Xiaomi Imagery Awards 2023

Deadline: December 31st 2023 | Xiaomi Imagery Awards 2023

The Xiaomi Imagery Awards, an annual photography competition sponsored by Xiaomi, encourages photographers and filmmakers to enter videos and images that express their vision and their experiences.


They want you to use the distinctive photographic experience provided by Xiaomi smart phones to tell your most captivating stories. Explore the world right now from your unique and fascinating viewpoints!


  • Prize Information for the Photo and Short Film Sections

  • Image Section

Prize Information

  • Best Award

  • $5,000Leica Q3 offline launch of the Xiaomi 13 Ultra 2024

  • Third Place

  • Third Prize: $5,000 Xiaomi 13 Pro 2024 offline launch tour

  • Finalist Prize of $3,000 for the Xiaomi 13 2024 offline launch tour

  • A Xiaomi gift setAward for Best Short Film

  • $10,000

  • Offline launch tour for Xiaomi Studio Cooperation 2024Third Place

  • $5,000 offline launch tour in 20243rd Place

  • Finalist Prize: $3,000 2024 offline launch tour

  • A Xiaomi gift set

eligibility requirements

  • Anyone with a Xiaomi/Redmi smartphone is eligible to enter the Xiaomi Imagery Awards (picture section).

  • However, entries that have previously won prizes in other competitions or been printed in widely read publications will not be accepted.

  • Labels available for a short film or photo entry include:

  • You must choose at least one label for the Photo Section that fits the photo’s theme.

  • Pick at least two labels for the Short Film Section that correspond to the main concept of your short film.

  • The total number of labels you can choose from in both sections is unlimited. Feel free to select as many labels as are required to appropriately represent your work.

For more information, visit Xiaomi.

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