Workshop on Climate Change Reporting for Journalists in Nigeria by cjid

The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in Abuja and the Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development are pleased to encourage Nigerian journalists to apply for a 3-day programme on strengthening skills in climate change reporting.


Successful candidates will be given the knowledge, abilities, and resources necessary to comprehensively research and report on emerging concerns surrounding climate change in Nigeria in order to increase public awareness of the issue and hold the government responsible for its actions and inactions.

After the programme, trained journalists will be given microgrants to help them cover in-depth stories about the many mitigation and adaptation measures taken by people and communities in the wake of flooding and other climate change-related difficulties.

eligibility requirements

  • Candidates must reside in Nigeria.

  • Candidates must report or write for a Nigerian-based media outlet that covers the country or a nearby region.

  • Applicants may also be journalists who work for foreign media outlets with offices in Nigeria.

  • Candidates must have prior investigative journalism experience.

  • Candidates with experience in reporting on the environment or climate change will be given special consideration.

  • We encourage applications from female journalists.

Please be aware:

  • Three days will pass during the workshop.

  • The selection process shall be impartial to gender.

  • Applicants who have a disability will receive special consideration.

  • Beneficiaries will get small grants at the conclusion of the training.

For Additional Information

For more information, visit the CJID official website .