United States scholarships for Michigan State University

Funding Opportunities in PhD Plant Ecology are now accepting applications at Michigan State University in the United States.


For a PhD student studying plant and soil ecology, the Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences (PSM) Department at Michigan State University is pleased to provide a 5-year graduate research assistantship. The student will receive advice from both Dr. Akihiro Koyama of MSU Forestry and Dr. Christopher Blackwood of MSU PSM. Other collaborators include Drs. Catherine Fahey (Smithsonian Environmental Research Centre), Dr. Brook Wilke (MSU W.K. Kellogg Biological Station), Dr. Christopher Fernandez (Syracuse University), Dr. Pedro Antunes (Algoma University, Ontario, Canada), and Dr. Christopher Fernandez (Syracuse University).

The chosen candidate will assist in directing a study to look at how crop performance and production are impacted by plant-soil feedbacks during crop rotation. With a focus on the interactions between crops (canola, maize, soybean, and wheat) and soil microorganisms such pathogens and mycorrhizal fungi, research on plant-soil feedbacks will be carried out in the field, in greenhouses, and in laboratories. Fieldwork will take place at the W.K. Kellogg Biological Station in Hickory Corners, Michigan, while laboratory work will take place at the MSU campus in East Lansing, Michigan.

Study Subjects: Ecology and Forestry


  • In the spring of 2024, formal enrollment in the assistantship is available.

  • There is money for stipends,

  • Health insurance

  • Tuition for five years.


  • Possessing a master’s degree


  • By October 20, 2023, send a cover letter outlining your motivation and strengths, your academic CV, and the names of three referees to Dr. Aki Koyama at [email protected].

  • Only applications that follow the supplied instructions and include the necessary data submitted via the application form will be taken into consideration.

Don’t forget to submit your application by October 20, 2023.

For more information, visit .