UN Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples

The CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES (COP) OF THE UNITED NATIONS FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE (UNFCCC) – COP 28 call for applications for travel funds for indigenous peoples!
  • Link to Application: Application Form

  • Event dates are from November 30 to December 12, 2023.

  • Application cutoff date: July 20, 2023

  • Location: United Arab Emirates, Dubai

  • the event’s website is https://www.cop28.com/en

Please be aware that you must register for the conference in addition to submitting your application. Participants representing IGOs and NGOs can register at https://onlinereg.unfccc.int/.

The request for travel grant proposals from indigenous peoples to attend the 54th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland (11 September to 6 October 2023)

  • Applications must be submitted by July 20, 2023.Countries eligible include all nationsLink to Application: Application Form

  • Only those who have been chosen will be contacted due to the enormous number of applications received.Consult this website for more information about the Human Rights Council: https://www.ohchr.org/en/hrbodies/hrc/home

The request for travel grant applications from indigenous peoples to attend the 12th session of the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland (November 27–29, 2023) has been issued.

  • Applications must be submitted by July 20, 2023.

  • Countries eligible include all nations

  • Link to Application: Application Form

Only those who have been chosen will be contacted due to the enormous number of applications received.Please visit https://www.ohchr.org/en/events/sessions/2023/12th-united-nations-forum-business-and-human-rights for additional information on the 12th session of the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights.

The call for proposals for travel subsidies for indigenous peoples to attend the 44th session of the Universal Periodic Review (06–18 November 2023) and the third cycle of the Treaty Bodies from August–December 2023.

Indigenous Representatives from qualified nations may submit an application to take part in the session review at the 44th session of the Universal Periodic Review (6–18 November 2023) by doing the following:

  • Canada, Colombia, Tuvalu, Burkina Faso, and 6–10 November 2023

  • Russian Federation, Bangladesh, and Cameroon (13–17 November 2023)

  • UPR Application Link: a request form

Indigenous Representatives from qualified nations may submit an application to take part in the following Treaty Bodies Human Rights Mechanisms during the third cycle, which runs from August to December 2023:

  • 29th session of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) (14 August–8 September 2023). Three nations are eligible: Israel, Mongolia, and Paraguay.

  • Fourth to Twenty-First September 2023, Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC), 94th Session. Dominican Republic and Russian Federation are eligible nations.

  • (25 September–13 October 2023) Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (CESCR)/74th Session. Three nations are eligible: Brazil, Chad, and France.

  • 139th session of the Human Rights Committee (CCPR) (09 October–3 November 2023). Brazil, Burundi, Colombia, and Uganda are eligible nations.

  • The 86th session of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) will be held from October 9 to October 27, 2023. Albania, Bhutan, Brazil, France, Guatemala, Jamaica, Malawi, Nicaragua, Niger, Philippines, and Uruguay are among the eligible nations.

  • Link to the Treaty Bodies’ Application: a request form

Application cutoff date: June 30, 2023.

Only those who have been chosen will be contacted due to the enormous number of applications received.

Consult https://www.ohchr.org/en/treaty-bodies for further information on the Treaty Bodies.

Please refer to https://www.ohchr.org/en/hr-bodies/upr/upr-main for additional information about the UPR.

Download and fill in the appropriate form for your application from this page. Further instructions and contact details are included in the application forms.

Before submitting your application to the Fund, please check the criteria for beneficiaries to make sure you are eligible to apply.

  • Application form to attend PFII sessions or EMRIPsessions

  • Application form to attend sessions of the Human Rights Council

  • Application form to attend sessions of the Universal Periodic Review

  • Application form to attend sessions of the Treaty Bodies

  • Application form to attend sessions of the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights

  • Application form to attend sessions of the Meetings of the Facilitated Working Groups on Local Communities & Indigenous Peoples Platform (LCIPP)

  • Application form to attend sessions of the Conference of the Parties (COP)

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