• Funding Opportunity Title:                U.S. Embassy Lilongwe Public Diplomacy Section Annual Program Statement

  • Funding Opportunity Number:         PDS-LILONGWE-FY24-APS01

  • CFDA Number:                                    19.040 – Public Diplomacy Programs

  • Estimated Amount Available:           $200,000

  • Maximum for Each Award:                $100,000 (subject to availability of funding)

  • Minimum for Each Award:                $5,000

  • Submission deadline:                        May 31, 2024

  • Contact:                                              [email protected]


U.S. Embassy Lilongwe’s Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) is pleased to announce that we are accepting proposals for our Small Grants Program.  This announcement is an Annual Program Statement outlining our funding priorities, the strategic themes on which we focus, and the procedures for submitting funding requests.  Please read this document carefully and follow all instructions.  This notice is subject to the availability of funding.

 Purpose of Small Grants: PDS invites proposals for projects that strengthen ties between the United States and Malawi through programming that highlights shared values and promotes bilateral cooperation.  All programs must include an American cultural element or connection with American expert/s, organization/s, or institution/s in a specific field that will promote increased understanding of U.S. policies and perspectives in Malawi.

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 Examples of programs implemented through the PDS Small Grants Program include, but are not limited to:

  • U.S. experts conducting lectures, seminars, or speaking tours with Malawian audiences

  • Artistic and cultural workshops, joint performances, and exhibitions

  • Professional and academic exchanges and programs

  • Cultural heritage conservation and preservation programs

  • Programs developed by an alumnus/a of a U.S. sponsored or supported educational or professional exchange program

  • Initiatives aimed at maintaining contact with alumni of U.S. exchange programs

  • Projects to promote English language teaching skills or widen access to books and other sources of information about the United States

Priority Program Areas:

  • Promote good governance and rule of law

  • Facilitate and encourage growth of entrepreneurship

  • Promote gender equality to increase participation in education and improved health decision-making by adolescent girls and young women

  • Increase transparency of government activities through a more capable media

  • Support and improve conditions for vulnerable and marginalized citizens, such as the disabled, people living with albinism, and those subject to stigma or persecution

  • Prevent gender-based violence and trafficking in persons

  • Promote stronger, more numerous university partnerships between U.S. and Malawian universities

 PDS will ONLY consider proposals that contain a significant American component or aspect. This could include, but is not limited to, an American expert as a speaker, using curriculum developed by a U.S. institution, or screening an American film.

 The following types of programs are not eligible for funding:

  • Programs relating to partisan political activity

  • Charitable or development activities

  • Construction programs

  • Programs that support specific religious activities

  • Fund-raising campaigns

  • Lobbying for specific legislation or programs

  • Scientific research

  • Programs intended primarily for the growth or institutional development of the organization

  • Programs that duplicate existing programs

For more information and To Apply, Visit U.S. EMBASSY IN MALAWI Official Website. | PUBLIC DIPLOMACY SMALL GRANTS PROGRAM 2024