The True Story Award 2024

Deadline: November 5th 2023 | The True Story Award 2024

The best tales from around the globe that shed light on local happenings from a range of angles are sought after by True Story Award.


The True Story Award has no political, ideological, or economic objectives. It merely seeks to acknowledge exceptional journalism.

An independent foundation will bestow the True Story Award, which recognises journalists who have excelled through the breadth of their research, the excellence of their reporting, and the social impact of their stories.

The True Story Award 2024 will feature three authors from each of the 12 categories. At the end of May, they will receive an invitation to the True Story Festival in Bern. The meeting of journalists from all over the world and the interaction with the audience in Bern form the foundation of the award. The three winning texts will be chosen on-site by the main jury, which consists of seven members and includes representatives from all five continents.


  • Reportage from all over the world can be submitted for the True Story Award 2024. Between September 1, 2022, and September 30, 2023, the following texts should have appeared in daily or weekly newspapers, periodicals, or online:

  • The word count for the texts should range from 3,000 to 17,000 words.

  • Republished manuscripts, books, and texts are not acceptable.

  • Audiovisual and visual works are not acceptable.

  • Historical non-fiction, essays, and biographies are not acceptable.

  • Both editors and authors may submit texts.

  • When submitting their work, authors certify that it adheres to journalistic standards and covers events that have been well studied.

Visit the True Story Foundation for more information.

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