The National Research Foundation (NRF) u’Good funding call for research 2024 (Grant Amount: USD500,000)

u’Good A funding call for research, intervention, and theory-testing on young people and relational wellbeing.

The National Research Foundation (NRF) (South Africa), Fondation Botnar (Switzerland), and theHuman Science Research Council (HSRC) (South Africa) have partnered to implement a researchprogramme named u’Good1 which is focused on young people and relational wellbeing (YPRWB) inurban and peri-urban environments. The purpose of this research is to test and further developrelational approaches to wellbeing; and generate empirical insights into key contemporary challengesto young people’s wellbeing, and how they are addressing these.

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR NRF u’Good funding call for research 2024

Each project team must nominate a principal investigator (PI) who will serve as a project team leaderand bear the main responsibility for the project, including its technical and administrative coordinationas well as timely delivery of technical and financial reports to the u’Good Call Secretariat. PI’s areresponsible for informing the rest of the research team members of any feedback received on theeligibility of the application, review outcomes, and any further information concerning the project.The (knowledge) institution of the PI will be the main beneficiary.

  • ▪ This Call is open to applications from single or multi-country research teams where the PIs (1)must be residents, or (2) form part of the diaspora, of the 12 focus countries of this Call, and(3) have any of the 12 focus countries as a geographic focus of the research project. Note thatapplications that do not meet this criterion will not be considered.

  • ▪ This Call is also open to applicants who currently hold a grant from Fondation Botnar andwhose work aligns with the aims and objectives of this Call and meet the eligibility criteriaoutlined above. Fondation Botnar grant-holders who wish to expand their research teams areencouraged to forge partnerships with interested external applicants. The u’Good CallSecretariat will assist to facilitate the match-making process.


All successful projects will receive funding for a maximum period of three years (2025–2027). The totalamount of funding (USD7 million) available for this Call will be awarded as follows:▪ 15 x single-country research teams, three-year grants at USD200,000 each▪ 8 x multi-country research teams, three-year grants at USD500,000 each


This Call for proposals consists of three phases:

1. Online registration for partner search;

2. An expression of interest submission phase; and

3. A full proposal submission phase.

The deadline for the online registration for partner search (not mandatory): Wed, 28 February 2024, at 23:59:59 hours SAST.

The deadline for the submission of expressions of interest (mandatory): Wed, 28 February 2024, at 23:59:59 hours SAST.

The deadline for the submission of full proposals (mandatory) Mon, 29 July 2024, at 23:59:59 hours SAST.

For more information about U’GOOD FUNDING CALL FOR RESEARCH, Visit The National Research Foundation (NRF) Official website

APPLY HERE FOR UGOOD FUNDING CALL FOR RESEARCH. | NRF u’Good funding call for research 2024

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