The Kellogg-Morgan Stanley Sustainable Investing Challenge 2024 ($USD10,000 & Funded to Pitch)

Graduate students worldwide are invited to apply for the Kellogg-Morgan Stanley Sustainable Investing Challenge 2024 ($USD10,000 & Funded to Pitch at Morgan Stanley Headquarters in New York City,USA).

Deadline to Apply: January 21, 2024

Teams of graduate students from all around the world are invited to participate in the Kellogg-Morgan Stanley Sustainable Investing Challenge each year. The challenge asks participants to devise and present innovative financial solutions to address urgent social and environmental issues.

The goal of the Kellogg-Morgan Stanley Sustainable Investing Challenge is to find the next wave of practitioners in sustainable finance, link up-and-coming leaders with professionals in the field, and encourage graduate programs worldwide to place even more focus on sustainability.

Over 2,500 students from more than 100 international academic institutions have participated in the Challenge. Top suggestions have included, among many others, an exchange-traded fund to aid in the better economic integration of refugees, working capital loans to assist beekeepers in scaling up operations and expanding practices that drive biodiversity conservation, and a loan fund to lower greenhouse gas emissions by promoting organic farming.


  • To address an environmental or social concern, contestants must develop and justify a plan that makes use of investment and financial means.

  • Through sustainable investing, the competition offers a chance to target economic, social, and environmental concerns by putting fundamental financial concepts to use.

  • Topics for pitches could include, but are not limited to, water, energy, food, social mobility, climate change, plastic waste, education, and health care.

  • It is encouraged of contestants to use all available investment instruments, asset types, and styles.


  • First Place Team Networking Opportunities: $10,000 Prize Possibility of networking with top financial professionals and receiving their advice.

  • Master Class Lecture Series Four talks by prominent impact finance professors from elite colleges.

  • Career Trek: Professionals in the business in small groups for networking.

  • New York City finals: the opportunity to visit New York City and make suggestions to influential people in the industry.

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  • Step 1: Establish a Group Interested parties?

  • Start by deciding whatever social or environmental issue you want to tackle, then assemble your team. List possible financial advancements that you could create. Webinar launch date: November 30, 2023

  • Step 2: Take Your Idea Further Locate a mentor, if you don’t already have one, and go through your idea, refining your proposal to take into account possible impact, financial opportunities, and general viability.

  • Deadline to register: January 21, 2024

  • Step 3: Send in

  • Send in your two-page prospectus to be judged in the first round by our network of impact and financial professionals.

  • Due date of prospectus: February 18, 2024

  • Proceed to the Finals in Step 4 A panel of executive judges representing some of the best investment firms in the world will hear the ideas from the teams that were chosen. Date of event: April 19, 2024

For Further Details:

Go to the Kellogg-Morgan Stanley Sustainable Investing Challenge’s official website. | The Kellogg-Morgan Stanley Sustainable Investing Challenge 2024