The Harry Frank Guggenheim Memorial Award for Scholarly Excellence 2024

Recalled as the Harry Frank Guggenheim Dissertation Fellowships, the Harry Frank Guggenheim Emerging Scholar Awards honour deserving scholars who are in the last year of completing a PhD dissertation on a prominent feature of violence.


Proposals that promise to further knowledge of the origins, expressions, and management of violence and aggressiveness are invited to the Foundation from any branch of the scientific and social sciences as well as related fields. Research addressing the pressing issues of violence in the modern world—what causes it, how it functions, and what stops or lessens it—gets top emphasis.

The following topics, among others, are of interest to the Foundation when it comes to violence:

  • Crime

  • War

  • Terrorism

  • Intimate partner and family relationships

  • Competition for natural resources and climate instability

  • Conflict based on race, ethnicity, and religion

  • Nationalism and political extremism


  • Ph.D. applicants beginning their dissertation phase of graduate studies are eligible to apply for an award.

  • This typically indicates that writing has started or will start at the start of the award period, and that fieldwork or other research is finished.

  • An application should not be filed if the analysis and writing are not advanced enough for the candidate to be certain that the dissertation will be finished within the year of grant.

  • It is appropriate to apply in disciplines where it is reasonable to expect research and writing to be finished in the same year, especially experimental fields.

The Awards for Emerging Scholars

  • The $25,000 annual award helps fund a doctorate candidate’s dissertation, enabling them to finish their work in a timely way and further the Foundation’s above-mentioned research priorities. Only students can use them for support in their last year of doctoral studies.

  • Doctoral research is not supported by the prize.Candidates may be nationals of any nation enrolled in any nation’s institutions or universities.


  • In order to be considered for a June decision, applications must be submitted by February 1, 2024, with the deadline being November 1, 2023. The HFG Board of Directors makes final decisions during its June 2024 meeting. The Board will swiftly notify applicants via email of its decision. Awards typically start on September 1st, however if the project’s needs warrant it, additional start dates (after July 1) may be requested.