the GO SMART Awards 2023 nominations are open.

Deadline: October 22nd 2023 | The GO SMART Awards 2023 Nominations Are Open

The Go Smart Award (GSA) is now accepting nominations in order to promote active knowledge exchange about urban innovation across cities and give other municipal stakeholders a chance to present their ideas, goods, or services.



  • Knowledge transfer

  • Through GO SMART, stakeholders in other Smart Cities can start conversations and cooperation.

  • links to global cities

  • Create cross-city proof-of-concept initiatives to scale and verify the efficacy of Smart City policies and programmes.

  • Foster a Smart Economy

  • Create a free and international market for smart city solutions.


  • A yearly award competition sponsored by GO SMART promotes Inter-municipal PoC interactions between cities by praising outstanding achievement in the promotion of such projects among governments and other municipal stakeholders.

Reasons for GO SMART

  • Connections: Present your solution to the GO SMART community, including city representatives and industry leaders in smart city domains, to gain support for your proposal as one of the initiative’s showcase projects.

  • Build enduring connections with smart city-focused cities, business titans, academics, and innovators in the area and outside to increase your visibility. The best projects will receive global promotion.

  • Winners will be given the opportunity to present at the GO SMART pavilion at the Smart City Summit & Expo.

Selection Standards

  • 30% cross-domain

  • Does the project span multiple fields? How many various domain fields are present?

  • Effect: 30%

  • How effective is the concept, and how willing are other communities to embrace it? How does your project demonstrate sustainability and inclusivity?

  • 20% of functionality

  • What issue is this project trying to solve? What other options have been investigated for this problem’s solutions, and why was the ultimate one chosen?

  • 20% of innovation

  • How original, inventive, and unique is the concept? Has a novel strategy been used to overcome the issue?

For more information, GO SMART AWARDS.

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