The Co-Founders Programme Application 2024

Deadline: November 30th 2023 | The Co-Founders Programme Application 2024

Anyone who wants to try their hand at starting a business and is willing to learn from others in a welcoming environment is a good fit for Co-Founders. to assist them in assembling a founding team, and in conjunction with that group, to validate their concept, test it in the real world, hone their business acumen, and ultimately determine whether or not they have a workable business idea.


Every Monday from 6 to 8.30 p.m., our Core Programme is held. Skilled professionals conduct interactive workshops for each session. You will be able to take the ideas being covered and apply them to your idea through practical breakouts with your team. You will also have weekly access to mentoring from subject matter experts as you advance.


  • In addition to providing you with training in Design Thinking, we will walk you through several crucial phases of starting a business, including Customer Research, Problem Framing, Journey Mapping, and Testing. We will also go into detail on some of the less tangible topics, such as assembling a strong team.


To become a Co-Founder, one must apply.All and every one!

You could be interested in participating in the Co-Founders programme for a number of reasons.

As you:

  • Do you have a strong interest in startups or would like to know more about entrepreneurship?

  • Have you encountered a problem that you would want to investigate in order to develop a team solution?

  • Do you have an original product concept with room for development that you would want to explore further with your team or look for co-founders for?

  • Do you possess any expertise that a startup would benefit from? Social networking, app design, legal, accountancy, marketing, and user research in sales are a few examples.

  • You will be a wonderful fit for Co-Founders if you choose “yes” to any of the aforementioned questions

Selection Standards

  • We are only trying to determine whether the ideas submitted by applicants—either individually or as a pre-formed team working on an idea—have “high growth potential.”

  • We don’t evaluate your concept in-depth; you should do that on the programme. All we’re trying to do is assess if this is a concept or business that has the potential to become the next great thing in the world.

  • We want to get a sense of your attitude, the kind of teammates you would be searching for, and potential locations that you would find interesting when you apply with your skill set.

  • We need some details about your decision-making process when you apply with a problem area. What possible worldwide effects might there be? What is your personal history? What kind of partner are you hoping to find?

For more information, visit Co Founders Programme official website.

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