the BMZ African German Leadership Academy Programme 2024

The BMZ African-German Leadership Academy (African Academy), formerly known as the Shaping Futures: African-European Network on Development and Sustainability Academy (Shaping Futures Academy), is a dialogue and training programme for early to mid-career professionals from participating African (Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Senegal, Tunisia, Togo, and Zambia) and European (EU, EEA, and UK) nations. By bringing together like-minded peers to reflect on their roles in their respective communities and institutions and develop strategies on how they can instigate or support change processes for a transformation to sustainability in the present and future contexts, the Shaping Futures Academy seeks to empower future leaders on both continents.


The Shaping Futures Academy accepts participants from a variety of sectors (civil society, academia and think tanks, public administration, business, and media) since diversity is at the centre of what it stands for. This fosters transdisciplinarity and fosters networking and knowledge sharing.

The German Institute for Development and Sustainability (IDOS) is the academy’s host, and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) provides financial support. English is used to conduct the programme.

Content and Format

Knowledge, action, and leadership are the three key components that form the foundation of the Shaping Futures Academy.

  • The knowledge component gives participants a forum for discussion and mutual learning about the global and local issues of governance and sustainability.

  • Participants in the academic modules develop their analytical skills by engaging with various topics and interacting directly with a range of stakeholders from the scientific and practice-oriented communities. This includes interactions at gatherings, workshops, and trips to specific institutions’ locations.

  • The chance to combine, develop, and apply participants’ existing knowledge and abilities is provided by the action aspects. Participants create tasks and mini-projects in small, dynamic groups on their own, connecting their varied areas of expertise through a variety of learning styles.

  • The leadership component focuses on enhancing both individual and group competencies, which will be advantageous to the participants’ home institutions. These competencies include improving communication skills, problem-solving abilities, the ability to exchange perspectives, teamwork, and the ability to reflect on one’s values.

eligibility requirements

  • Early to midcareer professionals from participating African (Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Senegal, Tunisia, Togo, and Zambia) and European (EU, EEA, and UK) nations are the target audience for the Shaping Futures Academy.

  • Be a citizen or long-term occupant of one of the participating nations

  • Be between the ages of 25 and 40* and work on problems of sustainable development and governance.

  • Have worked for at least three years (but unpaid experience is also acceptable).

  • Possess the backing of their employer (written support must accompany application).

  • Have a grasp of the English language that is excellent (B2 on the CEFR)respect many cultural traditions.

  • Embrace collaboration, introspection, and a wide range of working styles.

  • Possess a current passport at the time of travel * Older applicants who have taken lengthier maternity leaves may be taken into consideration.


Successful applicants to the Shaping Futures Academy will receive a stipend covering the following expenses in order to encourage participation:

  • Travel from and to Ghana and Germany

  • Provision of lodging during the in-person phases

  • A monthly stipend to cover living expenses in Ghana and Germany for the in-person phases

  • Insurance coverage for sickness, accidents, and personal liability throughout their stay in Ghana and Germany

  • Subsidy to assist in meeting the technological specifications of the program’s online stages

Please be aware that the scholarship won’t be enough to support the participants’ families financially.


  • Refer to the Academy Brochure for all details on the Shaping Futures Academy 2024.

  • You must submit the following files in pdf format through the application page in order to apply to participate:

  • Part I of the application form is the applicant’s statement, which the applicant must fill out and sign.

  • Employer declaration of support on application form Part II must be completed, signed, and stamped by the employer.

  • Copy of the highest professional certification and/or university degree diploma in English, French, or English translation.

  • Before applying, please sure to read the Conditions for Participation. Only applications that are complete will be reviewed.

  • Soon, the application portal will be accessible. Email applications won’t be taken into consideration.

  • Application deadline is November 15, 2023.

  • If you have any inquiries about the application procedure, please email [email protected].

For more information, visit the BMZ African German Leadership Academy Programme 2024 website.