START4AFRICA Residencies Program – Call for Hosts (up to €25 000)

September 13, 2023 is the deadline. | Call for Hosts: START4AFRICA Residencies Program (up to €25 000)

The START4AFRICA Residencies Program is the first S+T+ARTS residency program entirely committed to promoting innovation in Sub-Saharan Africa at the intersection of Science, Technology, and the Arts. STARTS4AFRICA is pleased to announce the call for hosts.

8 STARTS Residencies in Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Tanzania will be supported by STARTS4AFRICA. Ghana, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Senegal, and Tanzania are among the nations that STARTS4AFRICA is particularly interested in partnering with. The capability and ability to offer assistance and resources, such as access to a range of materials, technology, and physical facilities, must be demonstrated by applicants. Additionally, candidates need to demonstrate an interest in the following areas:

  • Water and Food

  • Speculative landscapes and digital mapping

  • Smart textiles, wearable technology, and culture

  • Storytelling Through Immersion

  • Rethinking Sustainable Construction

  • Speculative Urbanism


  • the ability to try out new techniques and take part in cutting-edge co-creation processes with an artist;

  • the chance to connect with respected professionals from both Europe and Africa;

  • Greater exposure and opportunity to take part in important public gatherings (like the Ars Electronica Festival in Austria)

  • Join the expanding S+T+ARTS Network and actively contribute to the development of the African innovation ecosystems.

  • contract payment: Through a subcontracting procedure, STARTS4AFRICA will engage into contracts with particular host institutions. A sum of €25,000 will be paid to the host institutions. Euros (€) will be used to make the payments. The host institutions will also pay for any fees related to the currency exchange.

  • The following payment schedule, which reflects three installments, will be included in the contract:

  • Following the signing of the contract by both parties, the first installment is due in [Month 1] at a rate of 30%; the second installment is due in [Month 4] at a rate of 40%; the final installment is due in [Month 7] at a rate of 30% following the conclusion meeting and the submission and validation of the final report (financial and technical).


  • Ghana, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Senegal, and Tanzania are among the nations that STARTS4AFRICA is particularly interested in partnering with.

  • Applicants must: Reside in one of the following nations in order to be considered: A public or private organization with legal personality, such as a not-for-profit organization (private or public), public authority (national, regional, municipal), an international organization, or a profit-making entity, must be located in Ghana, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Senegal, or Tanzania.

  • be a corporation or other type of legal entity that was incorporated on or before January 1, 2020; come from the scientific or technological sector (such as research institutes, universities, or tech firms) with strong ties to the cultural and creative sectors and industries (CCSI); or come from the CCSI with a network that includes access to scientific and technological entities and projects; and have the resources (staff, facilities, etc.) to host and direct a STARTS4AFRICA residency.


  • Each residency has four distinct phases:

  • Phase of reflection: During this phase, knowledge is exchanged and a list of common objectives for the cooperation is outlined.

  • Phase of development: During this stage, artists collaborate with scientists and other creatives in research labs, companies’ R&D departments, and other creative spaces.

  • Phase of evaluation: assessment of the prospective effects of novel and creative concepts, scenarios, on enterprises and governments.

  • Production phase: The artist participates in innovation processes at the business or research facility, which aids in the creation of an artistic prototype.


  • STARTS4AFRICA The following deliverables are anticipated from host institutions:

  • a mid-term and final technical report on the work done (including assistance given to the artist, meetings and visits, production and prototyping actions, promotion, events, and master classes); a mid-term and final financial report on the expenses paid in connection with the work done;

  • submitting a set of 10 or more excellent photos, together with two videos, each of which should last no longer than three minutes. The first video should outline the hosts’ expectations for the residency, while the second should summarize and chronicle the STARTS Residency experience.

  • Report on business and exploitation plans, mentioning active local stakeholders, potential funding sources, and

  • gathering of opinions about impact assessment technologies.


Visit START4AFRICA Residencies for additional details.

START4AFRICA Residencies Program – Call for Hosts