South Africa’s Innovation Edge Language and Literacy Challenge

South Africa’s Innovation Edge Language and Literacy Challenge is presently seeking businesspeople and social innovators with concepts for enhancing young children’s language and literacy development in South African families.


De-risking early stage product and service development is one way that Innovation Edge supports social innovators and entrepreneurs with a mission. In addition to offering numerous investment rounds, strategic coaching, operational help, and linkages to social capital, they also spark the ecosystem around them.

Impact Regions

In South Africa, more than six out of ten kids run the risk of never realising their full potential.

More than 60% of youngsters in South Africa are underprivileged. Their likelihood of current and future wellbeing is decreased by difficult life events during their first six years of development, which are exacerbated by systemic failure. By affecting the quality of children’s first six years of life, their investments seek to increase the likelihood of children succeeding in life.

Innovation Edge works to make a difference in four areas:

  • Early Education at Home

    • Strong learning foundations are established in a child by regular interactions that grow the brain from infancy.

  • Programmes for quality early learning

    • A child is more likely to start school on track if they participate in a high-quality early learning programme for at least two years.

  • Health and wellbeing in childhood

    • A youngster can develop to their greatest potential if they are given sufficient meals and access to quality healthcare.

  • Early safety and security

    • A youngster can flourish when they feel secure and are shielded from hazardous stress levels.

For more information, visit the official website of Innovation Edge.