Programme Of Work Review Expert Needed In Kenya | UNEP

Date of expiration: Wednesday, October 4, 2023 | Programme Of Work Review Expert Needed In Kenya | UNEP

  • Work Environment; Home-Based

  • Expected time frame; one year


Tasks and Responsibilities

For the purpose of resolving environmental problems on a global and regional scale, the United Nations system has selected the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as its focal point. Its mission is to coordinate the creation of an environmental policy consensus by monitoring the global environment and alerting governments and the international community to growing problems in order to spur action. The climate, environmental, and pollution crises that our world is currently experiencing are the focus of the UNEP Medium-Term Strategy. In order to execute its MTS, UNEP developed the Global Freshwater Strategy 2022–2025, which serves as the foundation for freshwater ecosystems and better management of freshwater resources. Additionally, the 2030 Agenda offers a distinctive and powerful global policy framework that will serve as a basis for addressing freshwater concerns in the years to come. With a formal role as the custodian agency responsible for global monitoring and reporting of SDG targets relating to protecting and restoring freshwater ecosystems (SDG target 6.6), addressing ambient water quality of water bodies (SDG target 6.3), and implementing Integrated Water Resources Management, or IWRM (SDG target 6.6), UNEP is well-positioned and prepared to support countries to implement the water-related SDG targets. According to the UNEP Evaluation Policy and the UNEP Programme Manual, the Terminal Review (TR) is carried out when the project has reached its operational conclusion to evaluate the project’s performance (in terms of relevance, effectiveness, and efficiency), and to identify the actual and potential outcomes and impacts that the project will have, including its sustainability. The Review serves two main objectives: In order to comply with accountability standards, it is necessary to (i) demonstrate results, and (ii) encourage operational improvement, learning, and knowledge sharing among UNEP and UNEP DHI [the primary project partners] through results and lessons learned. Therefore, the Review will, when appropriate, highlight operationally relevant lessons for future project planning and implementation, particularly for future project phases. The Programme of Work Review Consultant will create the following in cooperation with the Project Manager: â€Inception Report: (see Annex 1 for a complete list of all templates, tables, and guidance notes) providing an evaluation of the project design’s quality, a rough reconstruction of the project’s theory of change, a stakeholder analysis of the project, a review framework, and a rough review timetable. • Initial Findings The dissemination of preliminary findings, which often takes the form of a PowerPoint presentation, is meant to encourage project team engagement, ensure that all relevant information sources have been consulted, and offer a chance to confirm new discoveries. A full analysis of the review results structured by review criteria and backed by evidence, lessons learned and recommendations, and an annotated ratings table are all included in the draft and final review reports. For wider dissemination via the UNEP website, a Review Brief (a 2-page summary of the evaluation and review findings) may be necessary. This will be discussed with the project manager as soon as the Inception Report is complete. • Examining the draft review report. After submitting a draft report to the project manager, the review consultant will make revisions in response to their feedback. Other project stakeholders will then get the updated draft report from the project manager for evaluation and discussion. Stakeholders may offer input on any factual mistakes and stress their importance in any conclusions. They may also offer feedback on the suggested recommendations and lessons. Draft report comments and responses will be given to the project manager for aggregation. The Project Manager will give advice on any areas of contradiction or problems requiring an institutional response, as well as all comments, to the Review Consultant for consideration when writing the final report. The UNEP Evaluation Office will use a standard form to evaluate the quality of the final Terminal Review report, and this evaluation will be attached to the report as an annex. • The Project Manager will distribute the Lessons Learned and create an implementation plan for the recommendations in the form of a table at the conclusion of the review process.

qualifications and unique abilities

The requirement is a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university in environmental sciences, international development, or another related field of the political or social sciences; an advanced degree in the same fields is preferred. It is necessary to have at least 8 years of technical and evaluation experience; it would be ideal if this experience included applying a Theory of Change method to evaluate major, regional, or international programs. It is preferred that you have a thorough understanding of managing freshwater environments.


Fluency in both written and spoken English is required for this consultancy, and knowledge of another UN language is preferred. An extra advantage is having understanding of the UN system in general and the operations of UNEP in particular.

Programme Of Work Review Expert Needed In Kenya | UNEP