Program for Entrepreneurship 2023 of the Goshen Impact Fund

Are you a business owner, startup, or entrepreneur? Do you want access to the market or money? Has your company developed a unique and solid value proposition? If so, this chance is right for you. The Goshen Impact Fund Entrepreneurship Program 2023 is now accepting applications.

An initiative of the Kingdom Summit, the Goshen Impact Fund Entrepreneurship Programme, supports aspiring Christian business owners that have unique market opportunities and positive social impacts as well as inventive, sustainable, and scalable value propositions.


  • Capital is available.

  • Promotional Access

  • Mentorship Increasing Capacity

  • Investment aplomb

  • Public Strategy Meeting


  • Open to inventive small business owners and entrepreneurs who have viable business concepts or initiatives that are in the early phases of development;

  • businesses and entrepreneurs in Nigeria throughout all sectors and industries;

  • Candidates must be at least 21 years old and college or polytechnic graduates in education or technology;

  • Each application is limited to one company, and each company may submit one application.

Evaluation Standards

Applications will be judged in accordance with the program guidelines. The following standards will be used to evaluate applications:

  • Market Opportunity: Knowledge and comprehension of the target market, customers, and competition. Innovation, inventiveness, and commercial viability

  • Understanding of the fundamental financial requirements for operating a firm, including expenses and revenues

  • Scalability: The ability to replicate and expand a product or service offering in order to generate revenue and have an effect on the kingdom

  • Social Impact: The venture’s capacity to address social issues including job creation, poverty alleviation, empowerment, etc.


The following papers will be requested from applicants as part of the procedure:

  • a passport photo

  • Valid identification includes a driver’s license, national identity card, or passport issued to the applicant or business owner. It may also include a diploma from an accredited university, polytechnic, or college of education or technology.

  • Document proving legal registration with CAC (optional)

  • Bank statement for the business (optional)

  • Reference from a trade association, professional body, organization, company, client, business partner, etc.

  • (*) indicates that a field is required. Make sure to complete all fields before submitting your application.

Visit the Goshen Impact Fund website for additional information.