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- Partner with Rainforest Trust to Create Protected or Conserved Areas 2024 (from $10,000 – 250,000)
Partner with Rainforest Trust to Create Protected or Conserved Areas 2024 (from $10,000 – 250,000)
Partner with Rainforest Trust to Create Protected or Conserved Areas 2024 (from $10,000 – 250,000)
Rainforest Trust supports non-profit organizations, Indigenous Peoples, and communities to protect ecosystems in the tropics and subtropics critical to endangered species and climate mitigation. We do this by providing funding and other support to create or expand protected and conserved areas that benefit Species, Climate, and People. Since 1988, we have awarded over $250M to approximately 300 partners toward the creation and management of over 400 new and expanded areas. Over 45.7M acres have been protected thus far, and our partners are now working on securing an additional 59.5M acres. Rainforest Trust always welcomes new applications for protected and conserved area creation or expansion, with the following criteria and guidance designed to help streamline the process.
Feasibility Awards
Rainforest Trust provides Feasibility Awards to assess the potential for creating or expanding protected or conserved areas. These awards are intended to address specific information gaps in conservation projects, as precursors to applying for a Protected or Conserved Area Creation Award. For instance, Feasibility Awards can support developing a legal pathway to protect a proposed site, or field surveys to determine the presence and abundance of Critically Endangered or Endangered species. The average size of Feasibility Awards is $10,000; in exceptional situations, amounts of greater than $20,000 may be considered.
Protected or Conserved Area Creation Awards
Rainforest Trust’s primary awards support the creation and expansion of protected or conserved areas, on land or sea, be it through designation, land titling, purchase or any other recognized methodology (e.g. Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs)). The goal is to empower Project Implementers to facilitate new, lasting and sustainable protected or conserved areas that are in line with community and government needs and desires. There is no set maximum grant amount for these Awards, with applications assessed and awarded on an individual basis.
Detailed Application Deadlines for Protected or Conserved Area Creation Awards of $250,000 and above: March 1 • June 1 • November 1
Applications of any Award Type of less than $250,000 may be submitted and granted on a rolling basis throughout the year
Submit a Concept Note. Concept Note Templates may be downloaded from here, and when completed sent to: [email protected].
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Partner with Rainforest Trust to Create Protected or Conserved Areas 2024, FUNDING OPPORTUNITY, BUSINESS GRANTS
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