Open Call to support Small Irrigation Infrastructure in Liberia ($50 000)

To help with efforts to enhance output, post-harvest processing, storage, and the building of small irrigation infrastructure in Liberia, RTI International is looking for concept papers.


Supply the Future The overarching objective of the five-year Liberia Food Security, Nutrition, and Resilience project is to boost agriculture-led economic growth through increased productivity in order to promote food security and nutrition. RTI International was given the task in collaboration with BRAC, Dimagi, and GiveDirectly.

The goal of FSNR is to improve food security and rural economic development in Liberia by:

  • Enhancing the targeted beneficiary groups’ ability to process food on-farm and through agricultural practises; expanding their sources of income and savings; providing access to land, financial services, and agricultural equipment; and expanding their market reach and the year-round availability, usability, and consumption of wholesome food by households in the targeted communities.

  • The Resilience Investment Fund (RIF) of the activity aims to provide building financing to support small-scale irrigation infrastructure in Liberia, as well as assistance to qualified cooperatives in enhancing post-harvest processing and storage and output.

  • The cooperatives will gradually assume responsibility for managing and obtaining services to benefit their members through the RIF.

Financial Details

  • Grants will be given out in a competitive manner with sums that match their impact, up to a maximum of USD 50,000, and an implementation term of 12 to 24 months from the date of award.


  • Under this APS, Liberia FNSR aims to boost business expansion and job prospects, particularly for young people and women.

  • Grants for technical support, equipment, building, and training are examples of customised support that can be given to businesses who have recognised market opportunities that can be satisfied by gaining more access to productive resources.


  • Only Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and established cooperatives are eligible to apply for this call. Each applicant must: At the time of grant application, be duly and legally registered.

  • Adhere to Liberia’s government requirements by submitting your registration certificate and tax compliance certificate.

  • The majority of the activities funded by the funding must occur in Liberia.

  • The APS is not open to applications from individuals.

  • Organisations who do not fit the aforementioned eligibility requirements will not have their concept notes assessed or evaluated.


  • Please be aware that the following will not be supported by Liberia FSNR grant funds:

  • Construction expenditures, with the exception of work done for small-scale irrigation and restricted to the renovation of already-existing irrigation facilities or the building of new ones, include the price of new, reasonably priced irrigation technology. In addition, irrigation facilities might be powered by solar energy or incorporate a tiny pump that runs on batteries. They can also involve any kind of infrastructure, repair, or rehabilitation project.

  • automobiles, such as trucks, tractors, motorcycles, and cars.

  • Pay for cooperative members or entrepreneurs

  • purchase of pesticides, artificial fertilisers, or any other goods that affect the environment.

  • acquisition of used equipment or products from auction. Funding is available for new farm equipment and machinery.

For more information, visit RTI International.