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- Notification of Funding Opportunity: U.S. Embassy Kampala Public Diplomacy Annual Program Statement ($5000 in funding)
Notification of Funding Opportunity: U.S. Embassy Kampala Public Diplomacy Annual Program Statement ($5000 in funding)
Deadline:February 15, 2024 | Notification of Funding Opportunity: U.S. Embassy Kampala Public Diplomacy Annual Program Statement
Funding Opportunity Number: DOS-PDS-FY24-01 Assistance Listing: 19.040 – Smith-Mundt 19.022- Fulbright Hays Funding Opportunity Title: U.S. Embassy Kampala Public Diplomacy Annual Program Statement
Program funding estimated in total: $200,000. Funding might be available to extend the Public Diplomacy Grant Program’s prizes for an extra two years.
Award Ceiling: $40,000. Requests for rewards above $40,000. Up to $200,000 will be evaluated on an individual basis.
Award Level: $5,000
Application deadline: Two reviews of applications will take place in Fiscal Year 2024. The application deadlines are February 15, 2024, and May 15, 2024. Email: [email protected]
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PROGRAM OVERVIEW for U.S. Embassy Kampala Public Diplomacy Annual Program Statement
With pleasure, the Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program of the U.S. Department of State’s U.S. Embassy Kampala Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) announces the availability of funding. This is an Annual Program Statement that describes the strategic themes we prioritize, the financing priorities we follow, and how to submit grant proposals. Kindly make sure you follow all of the directions below.
Project Goals and Results:
The Public Diplomacy Grant Program aims to strengthen shared values on the following topics, build positive relationships between the people of Uganda and the United States, and establish connections between high potential Ugandan youth and young professionals (aged 16 to 35) and established professional leaders and the American people.
Every program needs to have a component of American culture or a link to an American expert, organization, or institution in a particular field in order to foster a deeper understanding of American ideas and policies.
Areas of priority programs:
promote media professionals and organizations by implementing American values and techniques to attain impartial, truthful, and unprejudiced media operations.
bolster the capacity of consumers and media professionals to recognize and counteract false information.
Encourage young people and young professionals to join in civic life and uphold democratic ideals by implementing civic education initiatives.
Create a connection between Ugandans and Americans to promote greater understanding of the effects of and remedies for climate change.
Educate and inspire Ugandans to value USG involvement in the country.
Educate more people about STEM subjects, especially young women and girls, and cultivate an understanding of American leadership in these fields.
Develop young entrepreneurs’ business acumen and create an understanding for the extensive experience the United States has had in encouraging an entrepreneurial spirit.
enhance connections between American and Ugandan higher education institutions.
American Content
Proposals need to show a substantial amount of U.S. content in order to be funded.
The use of U.S. models and best practices, partnerships with U.S. organizations or educational institutions, the involvement of U.S. companies in Uganda, the application or adaptation of U.S. experts and best practices, and educational materials about American history, society, culture, government, or institutions are a few examples of U.S. content.
We support initiatives that facilitate ongoing collaboration between the peoples of Uganda and the United States even after program financing expires.
Funding proposals that don’t contain a sizable amount of American material won’t be entertained.
Activities of the following kinds could be funded, though not exclusively:
Initiatives that support and enhance the lessons that former participants in State Department-funded exchange programs—both Americans and Ugandans—have gained.
Programs for youth leadership and involvement.
workshops, seminars, trainings, and master courses on topics of common interest or American themes that are specified in the program’s objectives above.
programs that give young women more control.
Training and programming for radio, television, and social media platforms that complement the aforementioned program objectives.
initiatives created in collaboration with a U.S. and Ugandan NGO.
initiatives to support the aforementioned program objectives that creatively utilize the Nile Explorer bus, a mobile classroom that visits underprivileged communities throughout Uganda to offer extracurricular STEM and other learning opportunities, or the Mission’s American Center in Kampala.
The following are only a few of the activities that are not funded:
initiatives for social welfare, community development, or job skill development,
the price of admission and transportation to conferences held in the US,
ongoing pay expenses and office supplies,
Paying to finish tasks started using other funds,
initiatives that are fundamentally political, appear to be partisan, or provide support to one party or another during elections,
Political party involvement, initiatives endorsing particular religious practices,
Trade activities; fundraising efforts; commercial ventures; scientific research; construction projects; or projects whose major objective is the institutional development of the organization itself.
Bringing in US Experts
In order to further the aforementioned program goals, the Public Diplomacy Office also welcomes proposals for the involvement of American citizen experts in live or virtual events. For in-person programs in Uganda, the travel expenses could include lodging, local transportation, daily honorarium, meals, and economy class flights on a U.S. flag airline. A suggested daily itinerary for the expert (minimum of two program days excluding travel time) should be included in funding submissions for activities involving citizen experts from the United States. If attendance at a conference is anticipated, kindly describe it (organizer, subjects, purposes and aims, target audience, additional sponsors, and other anticipated speakers and attendees).
The Public Diplomacy Office favors supporting American experts who are available to attend several events whenever possible. For American specialists visiting Uganda, the Public Diplomacy Office is eager to collaborate with grantees to find extra programming opportunities that complement the goals of the public diplomacy program.
Timelines for the Project and Budget
The projects should be finished in a year or fewer, with funding due by September 30, 2024.
Legislation authorizing the type and year of funding:
Fulbright-Hays and the Smith-Mundt Act provide funding power. The funding comes from Public Diplomacy Funding for FY2024.
Duration of the performance: one to twelve months
Anticipated awards: 1-4 (numbers based on quantities).
Amounts of awards: prizes might be as little as $5,000 or as much as $40,000.
Funding total available: $200,000.
Funding Type: Fiscal Year 2024 Funding for Public DiplomacyProgram launch is scheduled for September to December of 2024.
The financing for this notification is contingent.
Type of Funding Instrument: Cooperative Agreement, Fixed Amount Award, or Grant. Grants and cooperative agreements differ in that Public Diplomacy personnel participate more actively in the grant’s execution.
Program Performance Period: The suggested programs ought to be finished in no more than a year. Applications for continuation grants funded under these awards beyond the first budgetary period will be considered by PDS on a non-competitive basis, provided that funds are available, the program is progressing satisfactorily, and it is determined that continuing funding would be optimal for the U.S. Department of State.
Suitable CandidatesApplications from people and organizations in the United States and Uganda are encouraged by the Public Diplomacy Section.
Think tanks and civil society/non-governmental groups with programming experience are examples of registered not-for-profit organizations.PeopleGovernmental or nonprofit educational establishmentsCommercial or for-profit organizations, as well as governmental institutions, are not permitted to apply.
Partial or Full Cost Sharing
It’s not necessary to share costs.
Other Conditions for Qualification
All organizations must have a valid registration on www.SAM.gov and a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number issued through www.SAM.gov in order to be eligible to win an award. For more information, please refer to Section D.3. It is not necessary for anyone to register on SAM.gov or possess a UEI.
Content and Submission Format for Applications
Please carefully follow all of the directions below. Submissions that do not adhere to the announcement’s guidelines or the specified parameters will not be accepted.
For more information, Visit US EMBASSY IN UGANDA official Website (U.S. Embassy Kampala Public Diplomacy Annual Program Statement)