Thuthuka Co-Development Fund Call from the Netherlands Film Fund and the National Film And Video Foundation (€160 000)

Deadline: 16th October 2023 : NFVF/NFF Thuthuka Co-Development Fund Scheme

The NFVF/NFF Thuthuka Co-Development Fund Scheme has been formed by the Netherlands Film Fund (NFF) and the National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF). This programme aims to provide funding for projects that have the potential to be of high cinematographic quality and interest to domestic and foreign moviegoers.



The Fund typically has an annual budget of up to 160.000 EUR. The NFVF will convert 80.000 EUR into ZAR, accounting for exchange rate variations.Each year, a maximum of four projects—two from South Africa and two from the Netherlands—will be financed. A total of €40.000 (or the equivalent in ZAR) will be given to each project. This sum includes a maximum producer’s fee and overhead of €6,000.For the creation of scripts, grants are available.An essential component of this award is individual script coaching and/or coaching in the framework of workshops.

The objective is to complete a completed script, produce a pitch book, and be able to submit an application for production funding. The selection for future funding is not assured by receiving a Thuthuka award.Links are provided at the end of this call to more information regarding each Fund’s rules.

Eligibility requirements

Applicants may include:

  • Teams of established co-producers headquartered in South Africa or the Netherlands.

  • Teams with a producer and a writer are required to apply. For a feature-length (>80 min) documentary, live-action, or animated picture, the applicant producer must submit an application with a scriptwriter from the other country attached. No proposals without a co-producer from the Netherlands and the writer will be taken into consideration.

  • There are no restrictions on genre or style.

  • The projects must meet the requirements of both Funds.

  • Applications must be signed by all participating partners and submitted in English.

Ineligibility Requirements:

  • Live broadcasts, television competitions, chat shows, reality shows, or instructional and “how-to” programmes to be broadcast directly in schools.

  • Tourism-related documentaries, “making-of” films, newscasts, and “docu-soaps” are also popular.

  • projects that promote violence or contain pornographic or racially offensive content.

  • works with a marketing focus.

  • institutional products that serve to highlight a certain organisation or its initiatives.

  • projects financed by the calls for 2021 and 2022.

  • Organisations, Producers, writers, and directors who worked on projects that were authorised for 2021 and 2022.

The following details must be included in applications:

  • CVs of the director, if chosen, and the scriptwriters from the Netherlands as well as South African and Dutch producers.

  • Team inspiration and goals in relation to the project (including project requirements)

  • Coproduction contract or letter of commitment from the co-producers, writer, and, if relevant, director

  • A succinct project summary of no more than 5 pages.

  • Treatment (15 pages most).

  • In the event of a rewrite, a script.

  • A schedule for the development phase (maximum 600 words), including a timetable for writing, editing, research, and director recruiting.

  • Budget for development

  • A quick overview of no more than five pages* A recent certified copy of the applicant’s identification (with a certification stamp no older than six months old)* * The registration paperwork for the company.

  • Whenever appropriate, the production company’s track record.

  • Tax Clearance Status Pin Document or Tax Clearance Certificate for the Company, both of which must be current and valid for one year.* A BBBEE certificate or a signed, recent (within the last year) dated BBBEE affidavit.

  • The Parties reserve the right to ask applicants for further documentation in order to complete the project assessment.

Project Assessment

  • The NFF and NFVF officials will judge the projects.

  • This programme seeks to increase and promote the creation of varied, high-caliber feature (animation) films and feature-length documentaries.

  • Therefore, the project’s creative merit, viability, and suggested target audience will be the main focuses of the evaluation.


Calls Accepted: September 1, 2023

Date of Closing: October 16, 2023

Applicants can register using the following website.