NERC Independent Research Fellowship 2023 (total funding of £7,200,000)

November 8, 2023 is the deadline.| NERC Independent Research Fellowship 2023 (total funding of £7,200,000)

For the NERC Independent Research Fellowship 2023, applications are being accepted. You can use the cash to pursue an independent research fellowship to advance your career. They will support researchers looking to conduct their own environmental research inside an acceptable host organization through independent research fellowships (IRFs).

You should be able to provide compelling proof that you are working toward this objective and that you have a strong chance of one day becoming an independent research leader. If given an IRF, you must show that you will work independently of senior colleagues with whom you may have previously collaborated or who you may currently be working in a supporting position. You must persuade the examiners that you created your own research questions. This prize has a five-year expiration date. Starting dates for projects are January 1, 2025.


The available funds total £7,200,000.


Open to young scientists who want to conduct autonomous research. The application process is encouraged for candidates who have aspirations of working independently and establishing themselves as research leaders.In accordance with the goals of the Independent Research Fellowship (IRF) scheme, you must also be able to demonstrate sufficient scientific and technical skills and competencies.Only those who plan to pass their PhD viva before March 2024 are eligible if they are currently pursuing a PhD.The maximum amount of postdoctoral or professional experience is unrestricted.Applications are accepted from recipients of postdoctoral training fellowships like the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions. Fellows of the Daphne Jackson Trust and the Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fund who satisfy all eligibility requirements may also submit an application.If you have previously applied as a project co-lead, you may still submit an application as long as you still meet all qualifying requirements. Applications on which you have previously been listed must not be your application.You might hold a job at the lecturer level that is obviously a “teaching only” one.If you currently hold, or have ever held, any of the following:

  • a lecturer-level employment that include organizing a team and carrying out independent research, or its equivalent in a non-university setting.a comparable competitive fellowship that enables you to form your own research team and, as a result, earn independent researcher status.academic position with tenure.

  • They consider a fellowship to be similar to a lectureship if it allows you to apply research grants as a project lead or supervise PhD students. You are therefore ineligible to apply.

  • These fellowships can take several forms, for instance:

To submit,

  • Verify your status as the project’s lead.

  • Create an account with the UKRI Funding Service or log in. Choose your organization, validate your email address, and set a password to create an account. Send an email to [email protected] if your organization is not included.

  • Directly reply to questions in the text boxes. You can work offline and then return to copy and paste your answers, or you can store your answers and come back to finish them. If they ask you to upload a file, abide by the Funding Service’s upload guidelines. The How to Apply portion of the

  • Funding Finder page contains a list of all questions and evaluation standards.Before sending your application to your research office, give yourself ample time to review it in’read-only’ view.

  • Send the application in its entirety to your research office for review. If it need editing, they will send it back to you.The completed and reviewed application will be delivered to UKRI by your research office.

NERC Independent Research Fellowship 2023