Mercedes-Benz beVisioneers Fellowship 2024 for youth (Fully Funded)

Mercedes-Benz-sponsored beVisioneers offers young innovators like you the guidance, resources, and professional assistance required to realise your idea or project that benefits the environment. BeVisioneers is the fellowship for you if you have a strong desire to improve the environment, either locally or globally, regardless of your financial status, cultural background, or educational background.


Regardless of their stage or your financial status, beVisioneers assists you in bringing your earth-friendly ideas to reality.

Do you have a solid project concept or an ongoing sustainability initiative? Utilise the beVisioneers Fellowship to make it a reality! The offering’s main component is a 12-month rigorous hybrid learning programme that focuses on project implementation. It is sponsored by Mercedes-Benz and created and carried out by education pioneers The DO School Fellowships. You will be accepted into the beVisioneers Ambassador Programme with exclusive chances to expand your influence and network after finishing the 12-month intensive.

Qualifiability Standards

Prior to applying, confirm that you match the profile:

  • Age range while submitting an application: 16 to 28

  • You live in one of the following nations or areas: South Africa, South Korea, Switzerland, the EU, India, Kenya, Mexico, or Kenya. Uganda, the UK, and the USA.

  • One or more of those nations is where your project is being carried out.

Sub-program Elements

  • A distinct and cooperative structure

  • BeVisioneers concentrates on particular sustainability domains, such Clean Water or Food Waste.

  • We align the ideas and projects of our Fellows with these areas, providing them with all they require to take on these issues over the course of a year.

  • Close coordination across projects will be maintained in order to support larger localization initiatives. This strategy allows us to increase impact.

Our three labs for learning

Over the course of a year, the programme will concentrate on three distinct learning labs:

  • Personal sustainability, with an emphasis on resilience, well-being, and leadership both individually and collectively.

  • Environmental Sustainability, emphasising your comprehension and utilisation of ideas and methods that are beneficial to the earth.

  • Venture sustainability, with an emphasis on your capacity for action-taking and entrepreneurial mindsets.

Summits, regional and worldwide

  • At our regional summits, you will have the opportunity to interact with fellow Fellows in person.

  • You will hear from industry professionals at these summits.

  • Additionally, there’s a chance to go to a worldwide summit with pitch competitions and chances to get money for your project.


  • Our main offering is a 12-month intense hybrid learning programme that focuses on project implementation and was created and executed by education pioneers The DO School Fellowships gGmbH.

  • You will be accepted into the beVisioneers Ambassador Programme after finishing the 12-month intensive, where you will have exclusive opportunities to expand your influence, network, and leadership.