Malawi African Girls Can Code Too Programme Call for applications

In order to carry out activities related to the Outcome in the target districts of Dedza, Zomba, Balaka, Mzimba, Blantyre, Dowa, and Lilongwe, UN Women is accepting applications from local NGOs, with the intention of beginning with a small number of districts in the first year.


In addition to having programmatic experience in education, gender, community development, and women’s economic empowerment and livelihoods, the successful partners should already be present in the target districts.

With support from the Irish Embassy, UN Women Malawi works to close the digital gap by utilising inclusive and participatory ways to empower youth populations, especially in remote areas, through technology. This involves increasing gender equality awareness, education, and innovation. More gender-balanced access to technology will be made possible by the Malawi Girls Can Code Too project, which might benefit women’s and girls’ economic development as well as that of the entire nation. Specifically, the project will increase the use of mobile phones and the internet in accessing information, for example, on gender, entrepreneurship, and soft skills, GBV and other professional growth services. It will also give girls a unique opportunity to learn about coding, digital literacy, and entrepreneurship, which will inspire them to become ICT professionals. Additionally, it will improve the tracking and reporting of cyberbullying and other violent incidents involving females.

Financial Details

  • This proposal’s budget should be allocated between MWK23,000,000 and MWK35,000,000 per district, with the districts of Balaka, Dowa, and Mzimba receiving priority.


  • The particular results are:

  • By 2026, girls and young women in Malawi will have more access to technology and a more gender-balanced adoption rate, both in rural and urban areas.

  • Percentage of female students enrolling in ICT (innovation and technology).

  • Percentage of the population using digital technology (by kind, by sex).

  • Output 1:

    • Girls learn digital literacy and coding, which inspires them to pursue careers in information and communications technology.

  • Establish 20 eLearning hubs for females in remote regions that are hosted in community day secondary schools each year.

  • Every year, hold four three-month ICT literacy training programmes in e-learning hubs.

  • Organise one national bootcamp for young women living in urban areas and four regional bootcamps for fifty participants each, for a total of two hundred women annually for girls.

  • Create a training manual that covers leadership, coding, and ICT. It can be adapted from the AGCCI to work in Malawi.

  • Young graduates who will serve as the program’s primary trainers should participate in a TOT.

  • Enhanced availability of information on ICT and related services (e.g., GBV, SRHR, employment) for the purpose of professional development is the second output.

  • Invest in dependable off-grid solar power systems to run twelve e-learning hubs.

  • In order to create jobs locally, conduct TOTs for young people who will be able to run the eLearning centres and maintain the equipment.

  • Inform girls, the general public, and those in positions of responsibility on the upkeep and administration of eLearning hubs and how they might benefit the ecosystem in where they exist.

  • Output 3: Girls who attended the Coding Camps took advantage of opportunities in the tech industry, including CSOs, tech firms, tech clubs, and the private sector working in the ICT and coding fields.

  • Arrange for meetings of engagement with different stakeholders and the private ICT sector.

  • Create networks and easily navigable online platforms to help women and girls keep in touch, grow together, and support one another beyond national boundaries, thus fostering regional integration.

  • To aid in the development of code and apps, develop and cultivate a pool of youthful ICT and coding specialists and mentors.

  • Increase awareness of the MGCC2 among the public, the media, and other stakeholders to encourage national ownership and advocacy.

  • Operations

  • First output: Raising community awareness of the project

  • educating the public on the establishment of e-learning hubs

  • encouraging boys and men to lend their support to the project’s recipients.

  • determining who should receive ICT literacy training

  • Girl participants in bootcamps are selected and mobilised.

  • keeping track of the females who took part in the bootcamps in order to evaluate and assist them with resource utilisation.

  • assistance in registering beneficiaries (updating beneficiary information in a database).

  • Second output: Bring the media home campaigns aimed at enticing more women to pursue careers in ICT and other STEM fields.

  • provision of mentoring sessions and other post-training support.

  • Give life skills training workshops and soft skill training.

  • Encourage community ownership and safety of the project’s localised equipment.

  • putting together girls’ or community open days to display acquired abilities.

  • putting together radio shows on community radio stations to promote WEE-EVAW-GBG-DRR programmatic concerns and constructive social change.

  • Find local influencers (change agents) and collaborate with them to promote gender parity and women’s involvement in ICT.

  • Creating connections with the private sector, such as setting up district-level interface meetings between e-learning hubs and the private sector, is output number three.

Time Period

  • Start and finish dates for completing the necessary tasks or outputs: December 2023 to July 2024.


  • Requires technical and functional competencies

  • The following experience is what the CSO/NGO ought to have.

  • At least five years of proven and demonstrated relevant expertise, including experience in organising or facilitating boot camps in various disciplines, supporting girls’ education, gender equality, and community mobilisation.

  • Expertise in youth employment, life/soft skill training, and livelihoods and gender equality initiatives.

  • Those who have experience with ICT programming for elementary or secondary education will be at a distinct advantage.

  • Demonstrated (prior) experience working with community people and colleges on projects of a comparable nature.

  • It is highly preferable to be present in the designated districts’ operational regions right now.

  • Experience with grievance and feedback mechanisms and/or safeguarding is preferred.

  • Knowledge of the UN, particularly about development

  • Adaptable and able to react quickly to modifications made to the proposal during the evaluation and feedback phase.

For more information, visit UN Women.