Kidney Research UK Research project and start-up grants 2024

We are the largest kidney research charity dedicated to kidney research in the UK. Our Research Strategy to 2030 outlines our three strategic priorities and what we want to achieve through research in the next ten years or sooner. | Kidney Research UK Research project and start-up grants 2024

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Our hybrid grants programme is one of the many ways we fund and facilitate high-quality research.

Research project grants  

For innovative standalone research projects that will advance our knowledge of kidney disease and refine current treatments or lead to new ones. 

  • Funding available: up to £250k

  • Funding period: three years maximum 

Start-up grants 

For investigating new hypotheses around the kidney that lack any significant existing research prior to a full research project. 

  • Funding available: up to £40k

  • Funding period: over two years maximum 

We are pleased to invite expressions of interest from teams or individuals whose proposals directly address our immediate research priorities, and who seek initial or further support to establish their research career. 

We are keen to encourage applications from new investigators who have not previously held competitively awarded project or start-up funding as a principal investigator.

Expression of interest applications will not be eligible for submission where: 

  • the lead applicant already holds three or more concurrent active Kidney Research UK awards, excluding PhD Studentships and Start-up awards

  • the application from the lead applicant would be within twelve months following the submission date of a previous Expression of Interest for that grant type

  • the lead applicant has already made a submission of that grant type Expression of Interest application in any twelve-month period.  

Both scientific and lay summaries will be used to assess each submission. Consideration will be given to how closely the proposal matches to our immediate research priorities and all submissions will be ranked according to their potential to deliver against these. 

All applicants must be resident in the United Kingdom and the research must take place in a UK establishment. 

Successful applicants will be invited to submit a full application in due course. This invitation is no guarantee of funding which will be competitively awarded. Only applications invited to the second stage will be considered. 

Grants round 1:

  • Open for applications 20 March 2024.

  • Closes for application 24 April 2024.

  • Applicants will be notified on 20 May 2024 if they are invited for a full application to be submitted by 5pm, Wednesday 26 June 2024.

Grants round 2:

  • Open for applications 30 July 2024.

  • Closes for applications 28 August 2024.

  • Applicants will be notified on 23 September 2024 if they are invited for a full application to be submitted by 5pm, Wednesday 30 October 2024.   

How to apply for a research grant

Applying for a grant can sometimes be confusing and difficult. We have tried to make our application process as easy as possible.