Junior Officer For Communications & Public Engagement Needed in BANGlADALESH

Date of expiration: Thursday, September 28, 2023 | Junior Officer For Communications & Public Engagement Needed in Bangladesh | UNESCOGeneral

Junior Officer for Communications and Public Engagement, job description

Bangladesh was the country assigned.

Beginning on or about November 1, 2023

Goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Agenda: Good education

International UN University Volunteer is a type of volunteer

Entity hosting: UNESCO BGD

Form: On-site

Timeframe: six months

One assignment was made.

Assignments: Dhaka



Objectives and the mission

The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization is referred to as UNESCO. Through worldwide collaboration in education, research, culture, communication, and information, it aims to promote peace. The 2030 Agenda, agreed by the UN General Assembly in 2015, outlines the Sustainable Development Goals that UNESCO’s programs help to attain. Peace must be built on communication and understanding amongst people. The moral cohesion of humanity must serve as the foundation for peace. In this vein, UNESCO creates educational resources to aid individuals in leading hate- and intolerance-free lives as global citizens. Every child and every citizen should have access to high-quality education, according to UNESCO. UNESCO contributes to the strengthening of international ties by promoting cultural heritage and the equality of all civilizations. UNESCO supports scientific policies and programs as platforms for cooperation and growth. UNESCO defends the right to free speech as a fundamental human right and a prerequisite for democracy and development. As a think tank, UNESCO supports national standards adoption and oversees initiatives that promote the free interchange of ideas and knowledge. Junior Officer For Communications & Public Engagement Needed


The UNESCO Dhaka Office, which was established in 1996, is dedicated to assisting UNESCO in achieving its mandate in Bangladesh and the surrounding area by addressing social, cultural, and economic aspects of sustainable development through education, culture, the sciences, communication, and information. UNESCO engages in strategic initiatives in collaboration with the government, the Bangladesh National Commission for UNESCO, and other national and international partners to establish and strengthen the policies, systems, programs, and capacities required to achieve the goals outlined in current national development frameworks, such as the 8th Five-Year Plan (2020-2025), Perspective Plan 2041, and the government’s commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030.

mission statement

  • The UN University Volunteer will carry out the pursuing duties under the direct supervision of Officer in Charge (OIC) or Head of Office (HOO) of the UNESCO Dhaka Office:

  • supporting social media efforts and helping to create the best possible outreach plans for the target market.

  • Assisting with the strategic development, creation, and editing of compelling multimedia content to further strengthen UNESCO presence. Support for producing social media and website content.

  • Support for tracking, assessing, and reporting on developments, trends, and attitudes of communication contents on social media platforms.

  • Supporting UNESCO events by drafting and sending press releases in preparation, setting up interviews on the spot, shooting pictures and videos, and creating web content after the event.

  • helping to develop press statements for important UNESCO events in cooperation with the UN communications team.

  • updating globally standardized templates for PPT, reports, flyers, etc.

  • Layout and design of slides based on programmatic content provided by sectors to complete PowerPoint presentations.

  • maintaining a photobank in accordance with UNESCO’s guidelines for managing records.

  • keeping a video bank up to date in accordance with UNESCO records management guidelines

  • giving program officers advice on creating plans for project visibility and communication.

  • arranging routine communication goods such cards, calendars, newsletters, and/or biennial reports with the OIC and/or HOO Additionally, UN Volunteers are expected to

  • read pertinent UNV and outside materials to further their knowledge and comprehension of the idea of volunteering, and actively participate in UNV activities (such as activities to celebrate International Volunteer Day);

  • learn about and expand on the traditional and/or local volunteerism in the host nation;

  • Think about the kind and caliber of the volunteer action they are carrying out, as well as their involvement in continuous reflection activities;

  • Contribute field experience-related articles or write-ups for UNV publications, websites, newsletters, press releases, etc.;

  • support the UN Volunteer Buddy Program for recently arrived UN Volunteers;

  • When it is technically viable, urge relevant local people and organizations to use the UNV Online Volunteering service, or encourage local groups to use it.

eligibility requirements

Age: 18 – 26

Additional qualifications

  • Nationality

  • The candidate must be a national of a nation other than the one in which they will be assigned.

  • Donor focuses


necessary expertise

No prior experience needed

Particular expertise

  • Communication

  • a driving permit


  • English fluency level: Required

required level of education

  • in secondary school

values and abilities

  • Accountability

  • Flexibility and Adaptability

  • Creating Trust

  • Intent on the Client

  • Dedicated and Motivated

  • dedication to lifelong learning

  • Developing Others

  • Values and Ethics

  • Integrity

  • Making decisions and using judgment

  • Knowledge Transfer

  • In charge of performance

  • Organizing and Planning

  • Professionalism

  • Considering Diversity

  • Being a Team Player

Further details

Conditions of residence and remarks

The capital city of Bangladesh is Dhaka. It is not only the nation’s capital, but it is also its largest city. It serves as Bangladesh’s hub for political, cultural, and economic life. Bengali is the official language, while UN agencies operate in English. The upgrading of Dhaka’s services, communications, and public works can be seen in recent decades. Large international investments are being made in the city, and trade and commerce are increasing. It is also apparently one of the world’s fastest-growing cities due to an increase in the number of people moving there from all across the country. There are excellent English-speaking medical, dental, and educational facilities available for visitors. International travelers can easily travel from one place to the next because to Dhaka’s train, road, and aviation connections with other cities. Historical sites, fine restaurants, and a wealth of gardens and parks can be found in Dhaka. The climate is tropical, with hot, muggy summer months (April–September) and drier, cooler winter months (October–March). Bangladesh has historically provided international travelers with a safe haven. The volunteer should be ready for restrictions on freedom of movement on foot, on public transportation, and to particular sites even though Dhaka is not considered a hardship station.

inclusiveness claim

Professionals with the necessary qualifications are encouraged to apply to United Nations Volunteers, which is an equal opportunity initiative. We are dedicated to achieving gender diversity and protected features. All UN Volunteers pledge to uphold the UNV’s core values, which include combating all forms of discrimination and fostering respect for human rights and individual dignity, regardless of a person’s race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin, or other status.

Note regarding the need for Covid-19 vaccinations

In accordance with the applicable host entity policy, selected applicants for several occupational groups may be required to undergo immunization (vaccination) requirements, including those for SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19).

CLICK HERE To Apply For Junior Officer For Communications & Public Engagement Needed In Bangladesh