Japan-focused networking event for cleantech startups in Nigeria

Selected Nigerian CleanTech Startups will travel to Japan for a week of networking, organised by the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), the Office for Nigerian Digital Innovation (ONDI), and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).


The chosen firms will get the chance to engage in networking events and one-on-one meetings with Japanese corporates and investors during the one-week visit, which is expected to take place in the first quarter of 2024. These interactions will help the startups’ chances of receiving funding and expanding their business.

The chosen startups will also get to meet other African startups that are travelling to Japan.

eligibility requirements

  • Related to CleanTech (any startup that aids in the green industry, including mitigating climate change-related consequences as part of commercial activities), examples of such startups include agriculture, mobility, healthcare, waste management, and others.

  • Tech-enabled, for-profit business solution with a minimum of six continuous months of revenue

  • Has operations and an office in Nigeria

  • The creator or one of the cofounders must be a citizen of Nigeria.

  • This programme must be attended by the creator or a co-founder (just one person from one company, in good mental and physical health).

  • Supervised by a committed full-time founding staff

  • At least one year in existence.

Visit NITDA for additional details.