Internet Governance Academy for Youth in the Asia Pacific, Net Mission Academy 2024

Application for the Internet Governance Net mission Academy for Youth 2024 is currently available. Through a series of online classes called the NetMission Academy, young people can get the knowledge and communication skills they need to take part in Internet policy discussions. This online academy does not offer only one way of studying. Two pre-training webinars are held in December, followed by seven training webinars, a closing ceremony, and two more webinars.


Selected fellows will be placed in topic groups to do research and get ready to organise the appropriate session. They provide motivated individuals with the opportunity to deepen their expertise of Internet governance after completing the programme. As NetMission Ambassadors, academy alums will collaborate with other NetMission alums to support the Internet governance community through working groups, conference activities, and youth events.


  • Webinars with experts in the field.

  • Possibility of organising and participating in workshops at regional and worldwide conferences.

  • Encourages you to start your own project to advance Asia Pacific governance discussions and the development of the Internet.


Students in all fields studying full- or part-time in tertiary education institutions throughout the Asia Pacific region are welcome.


Fill out the application and submit it by November 5, 2023, 23:59 UTC. Upon successful submission, you’ll get a confirmation email right away. Please feel free to email the organisers at [email protected] with any questions.

Please visit NetMission Academy for additional details.