Indigenous led Collectives & Grassroots Groups Capacity Building Grants (Canada)

Indigenous-led grassroots organisations are encouraged to apply for capacity-building funds from the City of Toronto’s Indigenous Affairs Office, which can be used to develop new initiatives, strengthen current programmes, or boost organisational performance.


Funding Information Groups may submit one grant application for up to $20,000 total. The entire amount of money available for the grant programme this year is $450,000.

eligibility requirements

Must be a grassroots organisation or collective led by Indigenous people.To receive the funding, grassroots organisations or collectives must have a trustee or a bank account in their name.All activities and programmes must be run on a non-profit basis and take place in Toronto.Once their current project is finished and their final report is filed, organisations that previously won a Capacity-Building award for Indigenous-led Grassroots Groups and Collectives in 2022 are eligible to apply for a second award in 2023.Collectives or neighbourhood associations with City of Toronto employees are not eligible to apply.Funds cannot be utilised for debt repayment or deficit financing, philanthropic, political, or religious donations, or fundraising activities.The bulk of the leadership in indigenous organisations self-identifies as First Nations, Inuit, or Métis. For instance, a collective must have at least two out of three or four out of seven members who identify as First Nations, Inuit, or Métis. The percentage of First Nations, Inuit, or Métis members must be at least 50%.Two or more community members working together on a single project or continuously constitute grassroots organisations or collectives.

Visit the City of Toronto website for more details.