Imagine H20 Accelerator programme 2024

Deadline: 8th November 2023 | Imagine H20 Accelerator Programme 2024

The world’s top development programme for fledgling businesses is called The Accelerator.Early-stage water businesses are given the tools they need by the Imagine H2O Accelerator to develop their solutions, promote their innovations, and expand into new areas.With a zero-equity strategy and a singular emphasis on water, we offer complete support that takes into account the particular opportunities and difficulties faced by the industry. We make use of our broad worldwide network of investors, partners, and advisors as well as our in-depth industry knowledge to provide companies with the resources and knowledge they need to successfully expand and scale.



  • Development, accessibility, and worldwide exposure

    • The Imagine H2O Accelerator provides crucial access for water entrepreneurs in their early stages. With our extensive network of clients, investors, and industry experts, along with our thirteen years of expertise, we provide developing technologies a tested route to market.

  • Launchpad Development

    • Engage with our network of more than 85 mentors.Take part in online training sessions with professionals in the field.Get individualised assistance with starting.

  • Ecosystem Entry

    • Get access to our 81-person worldwide tech adopter network.Obtain funds by utilising our investor network and pilot grants.Explore the startups in our alumni portfolio.

  • Industry Awareness

    • Attend prestigious industry gatherings.Make use of our online following of over 30,000 people.Obtain credibility by using IH2O’s endorsement.


  • Different entrepreneurial groups are served by the three IH2O programmes.

  • Worldwide early-stage water startups are the target audience for the Accelerator.

  • If you have any issues concerning the eligibility requirements, kindly get in touch.

For more information, visit Imagine H20 Accelerator.

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