HCL Tech grant in the americas program ($5 000 000)

In an effort to foster cross-sector collaboration and give not-for-profit organisations working in the sectors of environment, health, and education the tools they need to make an impact on the development of a more resilient and competitive India, the HCLTech (India) Grant was introduced by the HCLFoundation about ten years ago. The HCLTech Grant is one of the largest grant programmes in India, impacting over 27,000 villages in 22 states, and has contributed approximately $16 million to ground-breaking projects. Through a cumulative investment of about $150 million over a ten-year period, the HCLFoundation, which executes the corporate social responsibility (CSR) agenda of HCLTech in India, has impacted more than 5.5 million lives, harvested 57.9 billion litres of water runoff, greened and brought under community management about 66,000+ acres of land, planted 1.45+ million saplings, and treated and protected 70,000 animals. Additionally, 100,000 native seedlings have been planted throughout the Americas, including the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Brazil.



  • For the purpose of accelerating their repeatable, scalable, and sustainable climate action projects, HCLTech will award $5 million over the course of five years to impact-focused, not-for-profit organisations with a presence in the Americas. apiece year, three organisations will be chosen; the first place winner will receive $500,000 for their one-year initiative, while the second and third places will receive $250,000 apiece.


The applicant organisation must be registered in the nation in which the planned project will be carried out.

  • Argentina

  • Canada, Brazil

  • Columbia

  • In Costa Rica

  • Guatemala

  • Mexico

  • Panama

  • Peru

  • America

  • The applicant organisation, along with the members of its governing board, cannot currently be involved in any legal disputes.

  • There must not be any government departments, ministries, funding organisations, or international organisations on the blacklist for the applicant organisation.

  • The organisation can’t have had its membership, registration, or licence revoked by the country’s regulatory or statutory agency.

  • There cannot be any political or religious links on the part of the applicant organisation, its board, or its staff.

For more information, visit HCL Tech Grant In The Americas Program.