Hanga Program for Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) (up to $10 000)

The Rwandan government came up with the Hanga Sexual & Reproductive Health (SRH) Programme in 2022 through HangaPitchFest, with the goal of investigating the potential for technology-enabled companies to address important SRH concerns and improve results more quickly. We are thrilled to collaborate with important partners this year to discover, vet, and offer technical and commercial support to twenty companies in Sub-Saharan Africa that are developing cutting-edge tech-enabled solutions that are breaking the mould in SRH and solving problems in novel ways.



  • Enhancing maternal health beyond granting populations access to safe abortion

  • Eliminating obstacles to getting a safe abortion is one way to combat unsafe abortion.

  • Providing youth-friendly SRH information and services with a focus on young people (10–24).

  • Addressing sexual and other gender-based violence.

  • Providing access to and information on contraception as part of meeting the need for it.


  • Cash: $10,000 in grant cash, with the possibility of an additional $30,000 for the program’s top-performing start-ups

  • Learning: a three-month programme focused on cohorts that covers evidence, SRH, and entrepreneurship

  • Bespoke Support: For a period of nine months, qualified start-ups will receive specialised assistance from venture-building and SRH specialists.



  • Has to be functioning in any Sub-Saharan African nation

  • Must be creating an innovative and ground-breaking product or business that advances the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) subject.

  • The startup needs to show off a tech-enabled SRH solution or have the capacity to grow via technological means. Though it doesn’t have to be the primary invention, technology needs to be supported by some sort of software or hardware.

  • Must display a functional prototype. This can take the shape of an operational website, a pitch deck describing how the product works, a working product demo in video format, or anything similar.

  • Must be registered with the appropriate authorities of the operating nation.

  • The startup shouldn’t have raised any venture cash (other than from family, friends, and angel investors).

  • Eligible startups include those that have won grants from hackathons or other incubator programmes.


  • Must be the principal decision-maker in the start-up and/or the founder or co-founder.

  • Must have regular access to a laptop and the internet and be digitally literate

  • At the time of application, you must be at least eighteen years old.

Selection Standards

The following standards will be applied while evaluating applications.

  • Impact: Is there a chance the startup may significantly alter the SRH results?

  • Is the candidate a curious and cooperative person? Are they motivated by the issue and open to adapting and developing their concept?

  • Breaking the mould: Is this a novel approach to an SRH problem or is it addressing a historically neglected issue?

  • Sustainability: Can the concept be implemented at a large scale?

For more information, visit the Hanga SRH Program