Grants to support MSME or PO in Implementing a Strategy and/or an Action Plan

We are currently accepting proposals for the implementation of an action plan or strategy that will make it more sustainable and respectful of a living wage and a good place to work.


This call for proposals’ main goal is to help strengthen the sustainability of the earliest connections in the manufacturing chain.

Enabel runs the Trade for Development Centre (TDC) programme. The TDC seeks to advance responsible consumption and sustainable production. This is achieved through fortifying the production and consumption networks to make them more inclusive, human rights-aware, and sustainable (diversified and climate-smart). Through a coaching plan and/or financial support, the TDC improves Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, often known as Producers’ Organisations, throughout Africa. This request for proposals is about grants and other financial assistance.

Financial Details

  • 900.000 EUR is the total indicative amount that is available under this call for proposals.

  • The contracting authority maintains the option to withhold any or all of the funding.

  • Grant amount All applications for grants made in response to this call for proposals must fall between the minimum and maximum amounts listed below:

  • A minimum of five hundred euros

  • Maximum: ninety thousand euros


  • The subsidised action shall conclude no later than September 30, 2027.


  • Encouragement of respectable work

  • Bolstering producer organisations’ stance with regard to primary purchasers

  • Advancing agriculture that is climate-smart

  • Production diversification for one’s own use or for selling in marketplaces, particularly local ones

  • Transparency and accountability


  • The applicant needs to meet the following requirements in order to be considered for grants:

  • Only producer organisations and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) that fall within the parameters of a medium-sized business are eligible to submit ideas in response to this call for proposals.

  • which do not have benefit maximisation as their main goal. For instance, mutual societies, associations, foundations, and cooperatives all achieve this goal. Businesses that fit the following criteria will be given consideration in this category:

  • Their objective is to attain a particular societal added value.

  • Sustainable development is achieved by integrating environmental protection with eco-friendly production methods and goods.

  • the allocation of revenue with labour receiving a higher priority than capital. Income is a tool to help achieve social goals rather than an end in and of itself.

  • Democratic decision-making gives all parties involved a voice in business strategy.

  • Maximum openness, especially when it comes to general business policies, finances, and relationships with both internal and external parties.

  • They offer products and services that consumers, both present and future, require. The importance of consistency, economy, and resource efficiency is emphasised.

  • Possessing a legal status for a minimum of two years.

  • Cultivating, gathering, processing, and/or trading cashew nuts, cocoa, or coffee.

  • Situated in any of the subsequent nations:

  • Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, and Uganda are the countries that fall within the cocoa, coffee, or cashew nut industries.

  • For the cocoa industry: Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire

  • For the coffee industry: Kenya and Ethiopia

  • In order to discard the certified accounts from the two years prior, kindly submit the 2021 and 2022 accounts.

  • Be solely in charge of organising and overseeing the project for which funding is being solicited; they cannot serve as a middleman.

For more information, visit Enabel.