Grant Support for Local Human Security Initiatives in Cameroon

Applications are now being accepted by the Japanese Embassy in Cameroon for the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP), which helps organisations carry out initiatives that enhance local residents’ quality of life and address their fundamental requirements.


Examples of projects include, but are not limited to: building, remodelling, or providing equipment for/to schools, healthcare facilities, career centres, small-sized bridges, boreholes, etc. This grant programme, which was established in 1993, has made a significant global contribution to the growth and enhancement of local communities’ basic human security.

Areas Included

  • Health Education Agriculture, fishing, and farming

  • Supply of water; Environment

  • Women’s emancipation

  • support for those who are socially vulnerable

  • Socio-economic

  • Transport

Financial Details

  • For each project, the grant’s maximum amount is roughly 45,000,000 FCFA.

Goal Projects

  • All of the prerequisites for the project must be met.

  • Abide by the GGP’s guiding principle, which is to enhance the local population’s wellbeing at a grassroots level.

  • Whether it’s a project for building, fixing up or providing equipment

  • Can be finished within a year.

eligibility requirements

  • GGP is only meant for non-profit organisations’ (hence “Applicant”) non-commercial initiatives. The United Nations, private businesses, the federal government, state-owned enterprises, and individuals are not permitted to submit applications.

Suitable Candidates

  • CIGs (Common Initiative Groups) are domestic and international NGOs

  • Organisation for cooperative health

  • Institution of higher learning (primary and secondary)

  • Local Government Centre for vocational training for underprivileged groups


  • The applicant must be formally registered with the appropriate Cameroonian authorities.

  • The applicant must have been active in their field in Cameroon for at least the previous three (03) years.

  • The applicant’s head office in Cameroon must be physically reachable.

  • The applicant must have a Cameroonian bank account in its name.

  • For the previous three (03) years, the applicant must be able to provide yearly activity reports.

  • The applicant must have a track record of good financial management and be able to provide a financial report for the previous three (03) years.

  • An effective system/management of accounting, administration, and inventory is required of the applicant.


  • Projects with a purely religious or political focus are not eligible for funding by GGP.

  • projects that only involve cultural, artistic, or athletic endeavours

  • commercial endeavours

  • Any military-related academic (scholarship, etc.) or professional research initiatives

  • projects that are only devoted to the development of human resources (such as career training)

For more information, visit the Embassy of Japan in Cameroon.