Grant Programme for the Prevention of Violence Against Women in Canada

Applications for the Violence Against Women Prevention Grant Programme are being accepted by Prince Edward Island.


The Interministerial Women’s Secretariat collaborates with neighbourhood associations to provide initiatives, services, and programmes that improve the lives of women in Prince Edward Island. This year, the grant’s financial availability for initiatives aimed at preventing violence against women and gender-based violence in Prince Edward Island has expanded thanks to support from Women and Gender Equality Canada.

Although all types of gender-based violence will be taken into consideration, this year’s focus theme is Sexual Violence Prevention and Response.

Grants for creative projects that will improve awareness, education, and action towards reducing violence against women in Prince Edward Island are given to community organisations as part of the Violence Against Women Prevention Grant.

Financial Details

  • $300,000 is the total grant fund available for all projects.


  • To get money, an organisation needs to be able to engage into a legal agreement (a provincial incorporation number).

  • Signing a project contract will be necessary for organisations whose projects are authorised.

  • Every budget must precisely show how suggested expenses relate to the project. Expenses that qualify include the following:

  • Earnings and perks

  • Up to 15% of the project’s overall budget will go towards administrative expenses

  • Honoraria

  • Professional fees

  • Facility leasing and utilities

  • Office equipment

  • Materials and supplies

  • Promotion and publicity

  • Journey within the province

  • Assessment.

For more information, visit the Prince Edward Island