Goldman Sachs’ One Million Black Women cohort 6 : Black in Business Program 2024

Applications for the fall cohort of Goldman Sachs’ One Million Black Women: Black in Business program are now open. This free business education program is dedicated to reaching Black women entrepreneurs with the tools necessary to turn their business potential into business growth.

Deadline: | Goldman Sachs’ One Million Black Women cohort 6 : Black in Business Program 2024

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The program is designed specifically for Black women sole proprietors with a minimum of $25,000 in revenue over the past twelve months and who have been operating within the US for at least one year. The program will provide:

  • A free 10-week business education program with online and in-person programming.

  • $2,000 program stipend.

  • All-expense paid trips to Goldman Sachs in NYC.

  • Business advisors and mentors to guide your growth path.

  • A powerful network of Black women entrepreneurs.

Graduates walk away with knowledge of how to price their product or service, hire their first employee, understand their finances, and so much more.


We welcome business owners to apply who align with our mission of supporting Black women entrepreneurs with tools and education so they can create jobs, opportunity, and economic growth in their communities.

Specific eligibility requirements:

  • Sole proprietorship (no other full-time employees); Black women sole proprietorships are particularly encouraged to apply

  • Minimum revenue of $25,000 in the past 12 months

  • Revenue-generating business

  • Operating for at least one year

Program Commitment

  • 6 hours per week, online, with built-in flexibility for your schedule

  • Develop, present, and receive feedback on your business action plan

  • In-person orientation and graduation sessions

  • Meet with advisors, mentors, and other business leaders

What To study:

The One Million Black Women: Black in Business curriculum has been developed in partnership with the NYU Stern School of Business, and covers the following topics:

  • Module 1 – Mastering the Art of (Customer) Attraction

  • Module 2 – Keys to Effective Marketing

  • Module 3 – Optimizing Your Operations for Growth

  • Module 4 – Managing Your Financial Statements

  • Module 5 – Planning & Projection

  • Module 6 – Positioning for Growth

The program helps sole proprietors learn how to price their product or service, hire their first employee, understand their finances, and so much more.