Global Learners Bertelsmann-Udacity Next Generation Tech Booster Scholarship 2023

This scholarship programme is for you if you are at least eighteen years old, can understand English, and want to learn project management, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence skills that are marketable.


Being a leader in media, education, and services globally, Bertelsmann aspires to enable people everywhere to succeed in the data and technology industries, particularly those who may not have had access to these kinds of chances in the past. The goal of this programme is to prepare motivated students for rewarding, high-paying jobs in technology.

Udacity and Bertelsmann are collaborating to bring about change. The goal of this scholarship programme is to provide students worldwide, regardless of social class or cultural background, with the chance to acquire profitable digital skills. Apply to the Next Generation Tech Booster now to get transferable skills that will launch your career in technology and provide doors for talent development worldwide.


  • Convenient:

    • You can learn whenever and wherever it’s most convenient for you thanks to the part-time, online course schedule.

  • Flexible:

    • With Udacity’s flexible timetable, you can dedicate a few hours each week to the challenge phase and eight to ten hours to the Nanodegree phase.

  • Comprehensive:

    • Numerous hours of free training courses and tutorials in project management, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and their practical applications are available to students.

  • Inclusive:

    • Students from all over the world who are interested can apply for the scholarship.

  • Cutting-edge:

    • Students have the wonderful chance to acquire skills in one of three tech disciplines that are in high demand and expanding at the quickest rate.

  • Mentor-backed:

    • Throughout the programme, tutors and subject matter experts will assist each and every student.

How does it function?

  • First,

    • Choose a track.When applying to the programme, students will have the option to choose between three tracks: enterprise security, AI programming with Python, and agile software development.

  • Step 2: Difficult Course

    • After being accepted into the programme, 17,000 applicants will take a challenge course tailored to their chosen track, where they will study the fundamentals of the subject they have chosen. To be eligible for the cybersecurity and artificial intelligence programmes, candidates must pass technical exams. Before the Challenge Course, there is no technical evaluation for the project management track.

  • Step 3: Announcement of Scholarship Recipients

    • A scholarship from the Nanodegree programme is awarded to the 500 best students in each of their challenge courses.

Scholarship Calendar

  • Applications for Udacity’s Next Generation Tech Booster programme open on Monday, October 23, 2023. The deadline to apply for scholarships is Thursday, November 30, 2023.

  • Recipients of scholarships will be informed of their acceptance into the programme on Monday, December 11, 2023.

  • Start date of Phase 1 Challenge: Friday, December 15, 2023

  • Phase 1 Challenge ends on Thursday, February 15, 2024.

  • Start date of Phase 2 Nanodegree is Friday, March 8, 2024.

  • Phase 2 Nanodegree end date: Monday, July 15, 2024