Financial support for South African civil society organisations

Are you a group from civil society? Are you involved in community service in the townships? Do you have a valid South African registration? If so, then apply right away for LIFSA funding!


A project of the Government of the Principality of Monaco, LIFSA is supported by ILLIS Monaco, the French and Swiss embassies in South Africa, the Alliance Française of Johannesburg, and the Government of the Principality of Monaco.

The fund targets children (under six years old), youth, and women in its work with partners and beneficiaries for the benefit of civil society in Johannesburg’s townships.

This programme is taking place in a situation where local associations’ ability to aid the most vulnerable populations, particularly children and girls, has been diminished by poverty and unemployment in South African townships, which have been exacerbated by the health crisis. The Alliance Française of Johannesburg has been entrusted by the Government of the Principality of Monaco with the management of the call for proposals due to its strength in managing micro-project financing for civil society.

LIFSA seeks to find and fund community-based projects that specifically target at-risk children, youth, and women in Johannesburg townships.

Financial Details

  • The selection committee’s chosen ventures will get a maximum R160.000 subsidy. The money will be distributed in two installments after the project is approved.

eligibility requirements

  • Projects in at least one of the following categories must be submitted by eligible civil society organisations as well as public or private enterprises with a social impact in the townships and that are duly registered in South Africa:

  • Education and career preparation

  • Health

  • Children’s safety

  • Vocational education

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Food safety

  • Sports, culture, and social cohesiveness

  • They are searching for project ideas from young adults working with youth, women, or children under the age of six.

  • Inclusion of people with impairments, gender disparities, environmental issues, entrepreneurship, and innovation can all be addressed by the project.

Selection Standards

  • The project needs to follow South Africa’s sectoral and governmental policies.

  • The initiative needs to address pertinent issues that affect the most vulnerable groups, such as populations that experience poverty, school dropout, unemployment, disability, violent conflict, etc.

  • The project’s objectives, actions, and budget must all be described in detail.

  • Local stakeholders must be included in the project’s efforts to implement the activities.

  • The activities of the initiative cannot be connected to political or religious promotion.

For more information, visit LIFSA.