Falling Walls Female Science Talents Intensive Track 2024 for Women PhD-students worldwide

The third round of the Female Science Talents Intensive Track has begun! Falling Walls is seeking 20 extraordinarily gifted female scientists from all fields to join our one-year intense curriculum in 2024.



  • Participants must be final-year PhD students, postdocs, or individuals with equivalent qualifications from all fields at academic and nonacademic research institutions worldwide.

  • Falling Walls is seeking remarkable individuals* who engage in stimulating original research in their fields.

  • A character who motivates those around them, takes on new tasks, and is inspirational.

  • an innovative thinker who foresees changes and upheavals. To achieve their goals, they take calculated risks and deploy novel strategies.

  • A creator with the ability to guide scientific, economic, or social innovation in complicated and risky contexts.Female Science Talents accepts submissions from cis and trans women, genderqueer and non-binary people, and employs an inclusive definition of women.


The Intensive Track programme offers chosen candidates a variety of chances, including:

  • The International Spring Gathering and International Fall Gathering, which are both a component of the Falling Walls Science Summit 2024, and get travel subsidies for both events;

  • Participate in a series of live and online workshops on developing your skills in areas like leadership, company development, grant applications, and more;Ppeer exchanges with young, worldwide talents across all areas;

  • Benefit from exceptional networking opportunities with Female Science Talents role models and female leaders in academia, politics, business, and the media, including our official partners (Bayer, The Elsevier Foundation, Foundation Medicine, and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft);

  • Obtain chances to interact and discuss ideas with other members of the Falling Walls community through Falling Walls Venture, Falling Walls Engage, and Falling Walls Lab;

  • Join the exciting Female Science Talents community by participating in events and connecting with others through relevant channels of communication;

  • gain from improved exposure and reach through the Falling Walls website and social media platforms;

  • Possibilities for receiving mentorship support from mentors in academia, business, and similar professions.


  • The third week of December will see the announcement of the chosen candidates.

  • Beginning in late January 2024 and ending in late November 2024, the programme.


  • Please email us the necessary paperwork to complete your application:


  • Show us the key moments in your life (tabular format, no more than 4 pages).

For more information, visit the Falling Walls Female Science Talents Intensive Track 2024 website.