EMKP Legacy Digitisation Grant Programme

Deadline: January 7th 2024 | EMKP Legacy Digitisation Grant Programme

The Legacy Digitization Grant was introduced by the Endangered information Knowledge Programme (EMKP) to assist with the digitization of “legacy” information related to material knowledge that is currently endangered or was endangered when the research was conducted. This is used to describe research documents and collections pertaining to previously completed work on material knowledge (such as field notes, photos and negatives, films and reels, audio recordings, and items) where the material knowledge under study was endangered or is endangered at the time of the study.


The funding also takes into account the state of the records when the application is submitted, as well as their endangered status (e.g., insufficient digitization to allow for long-term access and preservation, uncertain storage future and probable disposal/destruction, and improper storage endangering their condition). The Legacy Digitization Grant will result in the extremely useful development of historically significant and publicly available collections of endangered material knowledge, some of which may already be extinct. This will be important for researchers and communities of origin.


  • The content that has to be digitised needs to centre around subjects that are both visibly endangered—either at the time of original documentation or now—and have a strong material component.

  • Although they acknowledge that a variety of cultural information may be preserved in legacy documentation, the majority of the collection must consist of endangered material knowledge.

  • Historical Digitization Please be aware that the EMKP does not handle the acquisition of things or the acceptance of gifts of the collection to the British Museum. Grants may also include the digitization and documentation of objects and artefacts.

Financial Details

  • Legacy Digitization Grants are given out for a maximum of £20,000 and can be given for up to a year.


  • Applications for the EMKP Legacy Digitization Grants are encouraged from: People connected to a host institution who can oversee the project financially and ethically. The funds will be received and managed by the Host Institution, which will also be directly in charge of sending the budget accounts to the EMKP team in accordance with the reporting schedule. On behalf of their own work, the original documentation creator may submit an application.

  • Institutions or community organisations serving as hosts but without the equipment or infrastructure needed to digitise their holdings. In this instance, the community or organisation will be in charge of appointing a person to serve as the Principal Applicant in charge of overall project administration and coordination, which will include reporting to EMKP.

  • In extraordinary cases, Principal Applicants who are not connected to any of the aforementioned institutions may submit an independent application. In these situations, the prospective candidate ought to contact the EMKP team beforehand and before to submitting the application.

  • The primary applicant’s nationality is unrestricted; nevertheless, they must demonstrate appropriate experience. A letter of support from the applicant’s supervisor is required if they are a PhD candidate in order to guarantee that the work is completed in compliance with the grant’s requirements. In their submission, they must also describe how the suggested EMKP work fits within their PhD curriculum or study.

  • Applications from communities whose material knowledge systems have been documented, as well as initiatives that prioritise knowledge ownership and coproduction, are highly encouraged.

Qualifications Requirements

  • The following are not funded by them:

  • Recording of private records. Projects that are primarily concerned with digitising archival or personal documents, research notes, or other materials are not supported by them. Kindly verify that you have elucidated the ways in which your suggested project deviates from this; specifically, the material knowledge dimension and endangerment need to be made evident.

  • Projects centred on medical knowledge or ethno-medicine.

  • Timely compilations in and of themselves. Rather of the material’s age, the documentation’s content will be the primary consideration. This way, the eligibility requirements for the Legacy Digitization Grant won’t be limited to particular ages or time periods.

For more information, visit EMKP.

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