Emerging Playwrights Playwriting Competition for Yale Drama Series 2024 ($10,000 Prize)

The Yale Drama Series is accepting entries for their playwriting contest in 2024. The current judge of the series, Jeremy O. Harris, will decide which play wins. The winner of this yearly contest will receive the $10,000 David Charles Horn Prize, their manuscript will be published by Yale University Press, and there will be a celebration. The playwright must accept the terms of the publishing contract in order to receive the award and have their work published.


  • The only plays that are eligible for this competition must be in English. Submissions from everywhere are welcomed.

  • Original, unpublished full-length plays with a minimum of 65 pages must be submitted. Plays with fewer than 65 pages won’t be taken into consideration. Musicals, plays for children, and translations are not permitted.

  • New playwrights are meant to benefit from the Yale Drama Series.

  • The competition allows playwrights to win just once.

  • Playwrights are only allowed to submit one manuscript each year. The only acceptable scripts are those written by a single playwright.

  • Professionally produced or published plays are not permitted. Plays that have undergone a workshop, reading, amateur production, or publication as an actor’s edition will be taken into consideration.

  • At the time of submission, plays cannot be optioned, commissioned, scheduled for a professional production, or published.

  • Page numbers and typing or word processing must be used for plays.

  • Any work may be rejected by the Yale Drama Series at any time and for any reason.

  • In accordance with the competition’s spirit and taking into account the author’s accomplishments, the Yale Drama Series reserves the authority for the judge to decide not to select a winner for any given year of the competition and to rule that a winner is ineligible.

For Additional Information

Emerging Playwrights Playwriting Competition for Yale Drama Series