Elevate Scholarships 2023: International News Media Association/Google News Initiative

The International News Media Association/Google News Initiative Elevate Scholarships 2023 are now accepting applications. By elevating historically underrepresented and disadvantaged groups into early- to mid-level positions at news media organisations around the world, the Elevate Scholarship programme, funded by the Google News Initiative, aims to strengthen the future of the news industry.


The International News Media Association (INMA) wants to provide new faces and voices with the solid business fundamentals of the news industry through Elevate Scholarships in order to advance their individual careers and, more broadly, to provide the industry with the talent it needs to meet today’s challenging business landscape.

The glass ceiling for professionals from underrepresented groups can be broken by removing barriers to fair participation in news industry training and development, which stifles innovation and the future of news media.


  • Being acknowledged by INMA through public statements

  • Receive a certificate of scholarship

  • 3 INMA Master Classes are available without charge.

  • Get a complimentary one-year membership to INMA that gives you full access to the association’s international community.


  • If you want to be given a chance to win the Elevate Scholarship, you must:

  • Belong to a group that is underrepresented and marginalised in your nation;

  • Be actively involved in or aim to be a key player in the business of news media, including subscriptions, data, products, advertising, and the operation of newsrooms (INMA training is focused on this).

  • Be a worker for a news organisation;

  • Hold a position in your organisation beneath senior management;

  • Less than 15 years of experience working in the news media;be younger than 45;

  • Aim to rise to the position of top manager in a news organisation.


Based on each applicant’s requirements, goals, barriers, and the stories they share during the application process, INMA will grant up to 50 Elevate Scholarships.


Apply here by clickingTo make a nomination, click here.