Direct Aid for Egypt Sudan and Eritrea 2023/2024

The Australian Embassy in Egypt is giving funding to community organisations, foreign or Australian NGOs, academic institutions, research organisations, libraries, museums, or other non-profit groups working on development projects.


DAP concentrates on easing human suffering, reducing poverty, and achieving developmental goals. DAP money is managed by the Australian Embassy in Cairo for initiatives taking place in Egypt, Sudan, and Eritrea.

Financial Details

  • There is no minimum funding need for a single DAP project, but the maximum funding amount is $60,000 over the course of the project (depending on the nation).

  • The duration of an activity is capped at two years.

Eligible activities

  • DAP initiatives should prioritise delivering real-world results with a significant positive influence on development. DAP is able to provide funding for initiatives that have a direct, practical, and immediate impact, such as human rights engagement and governance capacity building programmes.

  • Projects pertaining to community and/or rural development, education, gender equality, people with disabilities, youth, human rights, the environment, small-scale infrastructure, economic empowerment, and ad hoc humanitarian aid will all be given favourable consideration.

  • Where applicants and their communities provide labour, supplies, transportation, or money, sporting events that advance educational and cultural exchanges and human connections are feasible and have long-term effects

  • Initiatives that offer educational, professional, or skill training


  • DAP is offered on a non-profit basis to people, community organisations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and other organisations working on development projects in nations that qualify for official development aid (ODA).

Ineligible Funding

  • Generally speaking, they will not provide funding for

  • Cash grants, microcredit programmes, or initiatives involving the repayment of loans to businesses

  • Purchase of significant assets, such as cars

  • Australian or foreign study abroad trips

  • Travel abroad Major sporting events or cultural performances that don’t have a demonstrable developmental benefit

  • Pay for employees

  • Administrative costs that are ongoing and routine, such as office rental and electricity bills, spare parts, and regular maintenance

For more information, visit the Australian Embassy in Egypt.