DAAD Helmut-Schmidt-Programme 2024 (Public Policy and Good Governance, PPGG)


The Helmut-Schmidt-Programme supports future leaders from developing countries who strive to promote democracy and social justice. The programme offers highly qualified graduates the opportunity to gain a master’s degree in subjects that are of particular importance for the social, political and economic development in their countries of origin. Support is available for promising young professionals and managerial staff from developing and emerging countries.

The aim of the programme is to train future leaders from the above-mentioned regions to play an active role in the further social and economic development of their home countries.

Scholarship holders are expected to use the knowledge and experience acquired in Germany to contribute to establishing democratically oriented economic and social systems aimed at overcoming social disparities in their home countries. Thus, the DAAD programme should contribute to supporting good governance and civil society structures in the partner countries and regions.



  • Applicants from developing countries may apply

  • Applicants must have completed a 16-year bachelor’s degree program from a University.

  • Applicant must apply for the indicated Master’s degree program.

  • You may apply for up to two Master’s degree programs.

  • All applications must be submitted in English or German.

Fields of Study:

The following are the host Universities and respective courses offered:

  • University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg; Social Protection

  • University of Duisburg-Essen; Development and Governance

  • Erfurt School of Public Policy; Public Policy

  • University of Magdeburg; Peace and Conflict Studies

  • Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences; Management in Nonprofit Organisations

  • University of Passau; Development Studies

  • University of Passau; Governance and Public Policy


The benefits of the DAAD Helmut-Schmidt-Programme are: Monthly Stipend, Contributions to Health Insurance, Round Airfare Tickets,Travel Allowance, Study and Research subsidy, Monthly Rent, Allowances for Spouses and/or Children where applicable and 6-Months-German language course.

How to apply for the DAAD Helmut-Schmidt-Programme 2024  

Apply online by filling the application form in English or German, attach all the required documents and submit.


  • DAAD Application Form

  • Letter of Motivation

  • CV (format: Europass)

  • University Certificates

  • Transcript

  • Currently written reference

  • Proof of English language skills


31st July 2023

For more information about the DAAD Helmut-Schmidt-Programme 2024, please visit the OFFICIAL WEBSITE