Cultural and Creative Business Incubation Programme 2023

The Creative Africa is currently accepting applications for its incubation project, which aims to assist the growth, development, and employment creation of the cultural and creative industries (CCI).


Investisseurs et Partenaires (I&P), a pioneering group in impact investment in Africa, Zhu Culture, a cultural engineering consultancy based in Senegal, Bayimba Foundation, a cultural production structure based in Uganda, and Tshimologong, a technological innovation hub within Wits University in South Africa, are part of the consortium leading the implementation of Afrique Créative, an acceleration programme funded by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD).

The goal of this programme is to assist African creative and cultural enterprises in growing so they can have the greatest possible influence on the local, national, and global stages. Although they are still in their infancy as an industrial sector in Africa, the cultural and creative industries (CCIs) have significant economic potential.


  • The following will be advantageous to the 15 selected entrepreneurs: a first group online training session (bootcamp n1) with an emphasis on business model consolidation and entrepreneurial structuring;

  • A group in-person training seminar (bootcamp n2) in one of the program’s participating nations, with an emphasis on scaling up and comprehensive lessons taught by I&P Conseil about investment preparedness and effect;

  • Weekly business coaching sessions offered by nearby incubators to hone and execute the plan created for the accelerated project that was showcased to the jury;

  • Consolidation of learning is scheduled to take place through incubator monitoring at the conclusion of the incubation phase;

  • The consortium will provide e-learning sessions wherein the subjects will be customised to meet the needs and skill levels of the cohort. Additionally, the sessions will feature the sharing of experiences from other creative entrepreneurs.

  • Prominent experts in their sector providing creative guidance; professionals keeping an eye on businesses. These monthly meetings will assist business owners in accomplishing the goals they have set for their own development, such as managing a regional expansion, obtaining a specific amount of capital, or hitting a specific sales target;

  • The consortium will evaluate each quarter to make sure the support is meeting the needs of the entrepreneur and to offer recommendations and guidance.

  • A grant for acceleration:

  • A certain budget will be included in the awards, which range from thirty to sixty thousand euros per company, to cover the costs of supporting the local incubator.

  • The grant amount will cover two thirds of the business acceleration project’s total budget; the entrepreneur will be required to contribute one third of the program’s cost.

  • Payments will be made progressively in tranches in accordance with quarterly updates.

  • Every entrepreneur will need to show how the projected leverage effect of their planned investments will be achieved in their financial predictions.

Actions the Afrique Créative Programme is aiming for

  • What constitutes a “cultural or creative enterprise” for the purposes of this call is:

  • A company whose business plan enables it to make money and isn’t structurally dependent on subsidies;

  • A company engaged in artistic or cultural endeavours: radio, music, film, television, performing arts, visual arts, crafts, fashion, architecture, photography, culture tourism, video games, publishing, and creating original material for the digital market

  • A company that makes significant contributions to the economy and society through innovation, employment creation, etc.


  • Be a creative or cultural organisation.

  • Be based in one of the 12 nations listed below: Kenya, Morocco, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Senegal, Tunisia, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Guinea Conakry, South Africa, Benin, Cameroon, and Guinea Conakry

  • Existed for at least two years

  • Possess legal standing, be officially registered with the appropriate national authorities, and have a governing body (board of directors, management committee, etc.).

  • After filling out the application and sending in all the needed paperwork, either in French or English


  • Individual requests

  • Organisations without a profitability target or economic model

  • Public or semi-public entities (government agencies, public schools, state-owned businesses, etc.).

For more information, visit Creative Africa.