With project funding up to $400,000 and durations up to three years, the Research-Practice Partnership (RPP) Grants Programme is designed to promote education research programmes that participate in collaborative and participatory collaborations. Once a year, we accept Intent to Apply forms for this programme.


We see collaborations as a crucial strategy for knowledge creation and education development in general. Long-term, we anticipate that the research carried out by RPPs will produce fresh perspectives on the procedures, methods, and laws that enhance education for students, teachers, parents, communities, and institutions where learning and teaching take place (such as schools, universities, community centres, parks, museums, and other workplaces).


  • The research and other activities proposed for the Research-Practice Partnership programme must encourage partnerships between academic researchers and a wide range of education practitioners.

  • An earned doctorate in an academic subject or professional field, or evidence of relevant professional experience, are prerequisites for Principal Investigators (PIs) and Co-PIs applying for a Research-Practice Partnership Grant.

  • Note: If the principal investigator (PI) or co-principal investigator (Co-PI) from the practice/policy side of the partnership lacks an earned doctorate, they are required to have relevant professional experience to fill this position in the partnership.

  • While graduate students may be a part of the team, they cannot be included as the proposal’s principal investigator or co-principal investigator.We welcome submissions from both domestic and foreign sources. Budgets must be proposed in U.S. dollars, and all plans must be provided in English.


Budgets for Research-Practice Partnerships are capped at $400,000 and may include indirect cost charges of up to 15%.

The grant’s intended length cannot exceed three years.

  • PIs and Co-PIs are limited to having one Spencer Foundation active research grant open at any given time. (The administering organisation is exempt from this restriction; organisations may submit as many proposals as they wish, provided that they are for distinct projects with distinct project teams.)

Application for the Collaborative Research For Educational Change & Research Practice Partnerships

  • The Intent to Apply form is the first step in the application process. You will instantly have access to the Full Proposal application on our online portal after submitting. On the deadline day, intent to apply forms must be submitted by noon central time.

For more information, visit Spencer Foundation.