Climate Disinformation Media Fellowship 2023

Through this fellowship, the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union offers a small group of journalists the chance to cover Climate Disinformation Media Fellowship 2023.


A digital dossier on combating climate misinformation will include the articles.


  • A 2800 EUR stipend (including travel expenses within the EU or neighbouring countries) for an on-the-ground fellowship.

  • Publication on the websites of the EU and DC offices and promotion on social media.

  • The fellow retains ownership and the ability to publish elsewhere.

Who may apply?

  • Candidates must reside in the EU or one of its neighbouring nations.

  • own a proven track record of publishing articles on democracy and/or climate challenges.

  • has knowledge of performing fieldwork.

  • Journalists will receive particular respect from them:

  • from local or regional media sources.

  • from various origins, with viewpoints that are less frequently heard.

  • Journalists are in charge of making their own travel plans.

What should you anticipate from the fellowship?

  • Format – Reporting might take the shape of a single, in-depth article or

  • A pair to three shorter pieces

  • Supporting images and videos are taken at the reporting location(s) and added to the article(s) for publication.

  • Through social media (X/Twitter, Instagram/Facebook, Mastodon, LinkedIn), fellows are required to interact with the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union in order to promote their publications and capture their trips.

For more information, visit Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.

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