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To support ambitious and effective national TB responses, advocacy, and accountability efforts to End TB, the Stop TB Partnership is awarding incredible USD 13.5 million to organizations that serve communities and civil society that are affected by tuberculosis (TB).

Stop TB Partnership is pleased to continue the special type of financial support and investment in, civil society and community partners to champion ambitious and strong people-centered, human-rights based, gender-transformative national TB responses, advocacy and accountability efforts to End TB and save lives, thanks to the continued generous support from USAID and the recently announced investment from L’Initiative implemented by Expertise France. With funding of USD 13.5 million, it is the largest investment ever made specifically for TB civil society and community organizations.

The mechanism known as the “Challenge Facility for Civil Society” is what has sparked increased capacity, involvement, and advocacy among TB-affected communities and civil society. The fact that we again have more cash available, more qualifying countries, and France joining as a donor for the first time is good news. We expect that other funders and donors will increase their support for TB-affected communities through this method in addition to USAID and Expertise France. Peter Ngo’la Owiti, TB Affected Communities, STP Board Member.

The Challenge Facility for Civil Society’s previous six rounds, including Round 11, in which awards totaling USD 10.5 million were given to 100 groups, have been financed by USAID.

Stop TB Partnership is happy to be extending the scope of CFCS Round 12 to five more countries in Francophone Africa, an area that is severely afflicted by TB but has lagged behind in terms of funding and participation. This expansion is made possible by the commitment from L’Initiative. Supporting community and civil society partners is vital, according to Stop TB Partnership and L’Initiative, in order to strengthen regional voices and participation in international TB platforms.

The United Nations High-Level Meeting (UNHLM) on TB will take place in September 2023, making this year crucial in the fight to end TB. The CFCS Round 12 partners will be crucial in ensuring accountability at the national level for the pledges made by Heads of State in September. Stop TB Partnership is proud to support civil society and community partners in order to continue building evidence and champion ambitious and strong TB responses. This is made possible by the constantly expanding body of evidence for Community, Rights, and Gender (CRG) in TB, which has been generated particularly through CFCS-supported activities such as CRG Assessments and community-led monitoring.

The sole venue we have for assisting and bolstering the activities of grassroots organizations from TB High Burden Countries is the Challenge Facility for Civil Society. As we now count hundreds of groups at the national and local level that are constructing a better and suitable TB response, a dream becomes a reality. Executive Director of the Stop TB Partnership, Dr. Lucica Ditiu.

Information on eligibility and application procedures: The CFCS Round 12 Information Note and Application Guidelines contain comprehensive information on eligibility and application procedures.

Eligible nations

The following nations and areas are qualified to submit funding requests for CFCS Round 12

Organizations from the following nations may apply for Track 1:

  • Azerbaijan

  • Ivory Coast

  • Kyrgyzstan

  • Pakistan

  • Ukraine

  • Bangladesh

  • Congo DR

  • Malawi

  • New Guinea, Papua

  • Uganda

  • Benin

  • Ethiopia

  • Mongolia

  • Peru

  • Uzbekistan

  • Brazil

  • Ghana

  • Mozambique

  • Philippines

  • South Vietnam

  • In Burkina Faso

  • India

  • Myanmar

  • Liberia Sierra

  • Zambia

  • Cambodia

  • Indonesia

  • Nepal

  • S. Africa

  • Zimbabwe

  • Cameroon

  • Kazakhstan

  • Niger

  • Tajikistan

  • Republic of Central Africa

  • Kenya

  • Nigeria

  • Tanzania

Organizations from the following geographical areas may apply for Track 2:

  • Anglophone continent

  • European Union and Central Asia

  • Caribbean and Latin America

  • global scale

  • Pacific and Asian regions

  • French-speaking Africa

  • Eastern Europe and North Africa

  • Participating Organizations

For organizations to be eligible to apply for CFCS Round 12, they must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Legally registered in one of the nations listed above (possibility of legal registration certificate).

  • Track 1: Organizations at the national level are required to be registered in the nation in which grant-related activities will be carried out;

  • Track 2: International and regional organizations should be legitimately incorporated and/or should primarily conduct business in the target nations indicated under Track 1;

Note: New organizations that have not yet obtained legal registration are encouraged to work with another eligible organization that has done so. This partner can serve as the lead applicant, support your organization’s application for legal registration, and build your organization’s capacity. This is strongly advised for networks of TB patients.

Working in the aforementioned nations or regions is civil society and/or community-based organizations. Organizations and networks of TB-affected individuals are especially urged to apply;working on projects connected to TB and Community, Rights & Gender (CRG);

Be qualified to open a bank account in the nation of registration under the applicant’s legal name.

Financial Tracks

The following two avenues are available for eligible organizations to apply for funding:

  • Track 1: Country Applications

  • Track 2.: Global/regional Applications

  • Organizations who operate primarily in the targeted nations within the same region and are listed above under Track 1 would have their regional applications taken into consideration.

  • Organizations who operate in at least three of the aforementioned relevant regions are eligible to submit global applications.

  • Please take note that under Track 2, it is likely that just one grant will be given out per area or worldwide level. The majority of the funding from CFCS Round 12 will go to Track 1.

Available Resources

Up to USD 13.5 million in funding is made available for the CFCS Round 12 competition. Because Stop TB is dedicated on bolstering national responses, the majority of cash will be distributed under Track 1.

There are the following funding restrictions:

Country Applications, Track 1

  • Up to USD 50,000 is available for newly formed TB-affected person organizations with up to three years of TB and CRG expertise.

  • Up to USD 100,000 for organizations with more than 3 years of TB and CRG experience.

  • Applications for global or regional coordination in Track 2 are limited to $150,000 USD.

  • The total grant amount may differ between/within nations or regions.

How to apply:

  • On Monday, July 31, 2023, at 18:00 Central European Summer Time (CEST), the CFCS Round 12 Call for Proposals will close.

  • After this point, you won’t be able to change anything about your application.Before this date, all applications must be submitted online via the Online Application. Email-submitted applications won’t be taken into consideration.

  • Submissions must be made in English only.

The Application Guidelines contain additional details to assist organizations in completing applications.


For more information about Challenge Facility for Civil Society Round 12, Go here