call for Proposals: Tourism Events Hosting Support in South Africa

Proposals for the Tourism Events Hosting Support are being accepted by the Department of Tourism.


The Tourism Sector Recovery Plan (TSRP), which recognises the need for focused, coordinated actions to mitigate the negative impact and puts the sector on the best possible path to recovery, transformation, and long-term sustainability, is made easier to implement with the help of the Tourism Events Hosting Support Framework.

The Tourism Events Hosting assistance Framework allocates financial and non-financial resources to events that promote domestic travel and aid in the tourism industry’s recovery, hence offering an equitable and transparent method for event assistance. The goal of the Tourism Events Hosting Support Framework is to develop attractive locations for investment, travel, and living while advancing the hospitality and tourism sectors and fostering employment growth and economic development.

Goals & Intentions

The goals of the Tourism Events Hosting Support Framework facilitate the holding of events in order to promote and maintain domestic travel:

  • To create jobs and boost regional economies in the direction of inclusive economic growth;

  • Promote the wealth and diversity of the nation and foster a culture of domestic travel;

  • Boost the benefits of tourism by encouraging more residents and visitors to stay overnight;

  • Encourage the industry’s resurgence and the sustainability of current events;

  • Take steps to encourage the seasonality and fair geographic distribution of events;

  • Encourage social cohesiveness, foster a sense of community, and spark interest in the services offered by tour guides.

Top Categories for Events in Tourism

The department will provide support for a range of events, both in quantity and scope. Even though there are many events, the department has prioritised the chances in the following categories:

  • Sports and recreation (such as village or township sporting events combined with trips to tourist destinations)

  • History and culture (such as through festivals or other events)

  • Recreation and Way of Life (such as Events, Shows, and Concerts)

  • Workshops and Meetings (such as Conferences and Seminars)

Highlights for Travel-Related Events

  • The foundation of domestic tourism is the effective staging of events that stabilise the industry by promoting regional companies and creating job opportunities. Events serve as a primary driver of tourism and have a direct positive impact on marketing for domestic travel destinations.

  • National Event: A significant national event that draws South African citizens and receives national media attention. The Department works with other governmental agencies and public sector organisations to start and promote these. These occurrences fuel a national necessity.

  • Provincial Event: A noteworthy provincial event that garners attention from the provincial media and draws in nearby residents and tourists.

  • An event that draws people from the surrounding area and receives coverage from the local media that is considered regional in nature (district and local municipal areas).

  • A community/local event is one that draws both locals and tourists and is held in a local area, such as a village, township, or small town.

Type of Assistance

Financial Assistance

  • No financial payments will be given; however, depending on the scale of the event and the finances available, support may be restricted to a particular amount each event.

  • The Department will buy services on behalf of the requester and ensure that local providers are identified through the Central Supplier Database because there will be no cash payment.

Non-monetary Assistance

  • The Department’s ability to provide services at no additional cost to promote the event, such as event marketing on the departmental social media platform or help with event logistics, such as photography and media liaison services, will be included in the non-financial/in-kind support.


  • All tax-compliant South African organisations and businesses having independent legal status—that is, those registered with CIPC as a Private Company (Pty) Ltd. or Non-Profit Company—are eligible to apply.

  • Applicants may also be compliant, eligible citizens of South Africa who are able to enter into legal contractual relationships.

  • Within a fiscal year, no recipient may receive more than one hosting support for a tourism event at the same time. Any financial support from the Department or other government departments or bodies for the same event must be disclosed by the organisations.

  • Each organisation, business, or individual may only submit one application throughout a fiscal year. In this regard, more than one application will be rejected.

  • Depending on the overall budget and project size, priority will be given to projects that are partially or fully funded, or that have any other kind of collaboration. Evidence of this dedication needs to be given.

  • Applications for assistance from professionals or members needing help for events in line with the Department’s strategic goals and vision will be taken into consideration by the Department.

  • Applications received at least three (3) months prior to the event will be taken into consideration by the Department.

  • To be eligible, the application must be filed with the aforementioned documents:

  • A current tax clearance certificate, copies of directors’ or shareholders’ certified identification, and a thorough company profile with three pertinent references are required.

Evaluation Standards

Every proposal will be impartially and consistently assessed using the following criteria:

  • A rise in the number of trips to small towns, villages, and townships;

  • Draw tourists, boost regional economies, and give residents jobs;

  • Conformity to interventions for local economic development;

  • Encouraging the use of state-owned, youth- or women-owned, and heritage sites;

  • Encourage the spread of citizens and/or historically underprivileged areas geographically;

  • Encourage collaborations and cooperation across many stakeholders.

For more information, visit Department of Tourism.