call for Proposals to Support Development of Sustainable Agri Food Value Chains in congo

A call for suggestions to help the creation of sustainable agri-food value chains has been made public by the European Commission.


The European Union-funded PATEV programme, which supports the Republic of Congo’s socioeconomic growth and the creation of good employment and sustainable livelihoods, aims to enhance the business climate and help the country’s transition to a greener economy.


  • The following is the basic goal of this request for proposals:

  • Support the development of priority agri-food value chains in the Republic of Congo based on an improvement in their quality and competitiveness, integrating economically in particular young people, women, and vulnerable parts of the population, as well as lowering reliance on imports. These chains should be based on “green” approaches, short and circular circuits, adaptation to climate change, agroecology, and zero deforestation.

  • The following are the precise goals of this request for proposals:

  • To increase productivity, competitiveness, and agri-food production in line with market demands, the capacities of family farms and their professional organisations are strengthened within priority agricultural value chains. This is made possible by more productive, sustainable, and adapted production methods that address climate change (climate-smart, zero-deforestation, agro-ecological approach, such as agroforestry, sustainable land use, and rational use of ag.

  • Within priority agri-food value chains, the artisanal and small processing and marketing capacities are strengthened, allowing for an increase in the production and supply of high-quality, national origin agri-food products that are in line with market demands; this is made possible, in part, by the use of transformational methods and techniques as well as sustainable and more effective packaging;

  • The structuring and organisation of priority value chains are supported, developed, and reinforced with a “cluster” approach, based on better technical and economic cooperation between producers, processors, and commercial actors, throughout the priority value chains, with the goal of achieving increased efficiency, synergies in projects, common resources, and a more equitable distribution of income by type of actor.


The following are the priority for this request for proposals:

  • Concentrate the majority of development efforts on the most significant agri-food value chains, which are significant in terms of the volume of urban consumption, development potential, coverage of nutritional needs, potential for the creation of decent jobs and livelihoods (or “livelihoods”), and importance for rural development. This will help to lessen Congo’s reliance on food imports and increase food security. The subsectors of (i) crop production, (ii) livestock, (iii) fish farming, and (iv) inland fishing must be considered in a wide sense when identifying value chains key agri-food sectors for this call for ideas.

  • Encourage the growth of more efficient and sustainable agri-food systems (in the broad sense), specifically allowing for systematic avoidance of extensification to the detriment of forest areas primary crops such as itinerant agriculture through clearing and burning, with special emphasis on development of agricultural operations using a “zero deforestation” agroecological approach in savannah zones and on reducing pressure on primary forest ecosystems by developing

  • Utilise the knowledge gained through PRCCE 2 and, when appropriate (based on an evaluation of needs, capacities, and motivation), take into account the “clusters” that are supported by this EU project to make it easier to continue supporting these actors and to consolidate, expand, and sustain their activities;

  • In order to lessen pressure on primary forest ecosystems caused in particular by poaching, hunting, and unsustainable fishing, support efforts for the development of sustainable livelihoods of local populations and indigenous people in the peripheries of national parks through the implementation of activities developing sustainable agri-food systems (in synergy and coordination with the management of park concerned and community development plans).

  • Promote synergies and ensure effective coordination between the various programmes and projects operating in the action areas, in particular: the programme of Sustainable Land Use (PUDT), which is co-financed by the EU and AFD as part of the initiative for Central African Forest (CAFI); the national component of the NaturAfrica multi-council


  • Two lots are included in this request for proposals, each of which is geographically determined in accordance with the following rules:

  • Lot 1 – Southern Congo Zone: Departments of Kouilou, Niari, Lekoumou, Bouenza, and of the Pool; Lot 2 – Northern and Central Zones of Congo: Departments of Cuvette, Cuvette Ouest, Plateaux, Sangha, and Likouala; with a focus on production basins and zones of influence of the major cities.

Financial Details

  • 6 million euros are the total indicated amount made available under this request for proposals. The contracting authority retains the ability not to use every dollar that is available.

  • Grant amounts:

  • Lot 1: 2,000,000 EUR as a minimum.

  • A maximum of 4 million euros.

  • Lot 2 Minimum: 1,000,000 Euros

  • The maximum is 2 million euros.


  • Each of the lots’ original planned action times cannot be less than 30 months or more than 60 months.

  • the scene of the crime

  • The activity is carried out throughout the Republic of Congo, divided into two lots according to location.


  • leading candidate

  • The lead applicant must meet the following requirements in order to be considered for funding: be a legal entity; be a non-profit organisation; be headquartered in a member state of the European Union or in the Central African region; be directly responsible for the planning and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and the affiliated entity(ies); and refrain from acting as an intermediary.

  • Both participating in calls for proposals and receiving grants are not permitted for applicants.

  • Co-applicant(s)

  • Co-applicants take part in the planning and execution of the action, and the expenses they incur are just as eligible for funding as those covered by the main applicant.

  • The same eligibility requirements that apply to the lead applicant must also be met by co-applicants.

  • Potential co-applicants become beneficiaries of the action (together with the coordinator) if the grant is awarded to them.

Associated parties

  • The lead applicant, along with any of its co-applicants, may work with related parties.The lead applicant and/or the co-applicant(s) may only be deemed to be linked with the following organisations:Only organisations that share a structural connection, particularly a financial or legal one, with the applicants (the lead applicant or a co-applicant).Essentially, this structural relationship includes two ideas:Control, as defined by Directive 2013/34/EU on annual financial accounts, over the consolidated financial statements and corresponding reports of specific business types.Therefore, entities connected to an application include those that are either directly or indirectly under its control (subsidiaries or first-tier subsidiaries) or those that are under the control of another business that is itself under its control (sub-subsidiaries or second-level subsidiaries).This holds true for the additional control settings;entities (parent corporations) that directly or indirectly control the applicant. Likewise, he might be firms under the same degree of direct or indirect management as the applicant (sister companies), entities managing a company under the applicant’s control,Membership, i.e. the applicant is a member of the same entity (such as a network, federation, association, etc.) as the proposed affiliated entity, or the applicant is legally defined as a network, federation, or association of which the proposed affiliated entity is a member.

For more information, visit European Commission.