Call for Proposals: The Digital Democracy Initiative (DDI) 2024

Deadline: June 17, 2024 | Call for Proposals: The Digital Democracy Initiative (DDI) 2024

The Digital Democracy Initiative (DDI) is a programme aimed at safeguarding inclusive democracy and human rights in the digital age. The DDI focuses on support to local civil society in the Global South, particularly in countries undergoing democratic regression and where civic space is under pressure.

The DDI works closely with trusted civil society partners CIVICUS, Global Focus, Digital Defenders Partnership, and Access Now.

Through a Call for Proposals, the DDI will expand its support to Human Right Defenders and civil society activists in the Global South under three thematic lots:

  • Lot 1: Combatting technology facilitated gender-based violence

  • Lot 2: Leveraging digital technologies for climate activism

  • Lot 3: Strengthening youth engagement in the digital democratic space

 The process for the Call for Proposals will be conducted in two steps: A preliminary phase, where concept notes are submitted, evaluated, and pre-selected; followed by an invitation to selected applicants to submit their full proposals.

The deadline for the submission of concept notes is 17 June 2024 at 16h00 CET. Please use the Concept Note Template when applying. The concept notes must be submitted via email to [email protected]. Kindly specify in the subject line “DDI Call for concept notes 2024”, and the name of the lead applicant.